On my aunt and uncles property...a barn where chickens lived. My tent was to the side of the barn and out a ways.

The tent we ate all our meals under. There's a big grassy area on the other side of it where volleyball and bocci ball were played, trampoline jumping was done,as well was where we set off fireworks and had the bonfire:

Just a tiny fraction of the farm that grows all the veggies for sale:

My uncles checking out the "Little House on the Prairie" cabin...you can see the green outhouse on the left. Apparently the house is on a sled so it can be moved from place to place!

Aunt Linda, me, and cousin Sue. Obviously on day 1. We look so clean and refreshed!

My aunt and uncle who own all the land that make it possible for us to celebrate the 4th together every year!

"the grandkids" on the trampoline that finally broke after many many many years of use. Really, I don't recall a time before the trampoline. It will be missed:

For some reason Connor kept doing this muscle man pose,totally cute(look,he has TEETH!):

best sister ever:

right before we left to go home...baby was woooore out!

(last connor picture,i swear) Connor had a 13 month old girl, Marley, as a playmate while we were there. He's only 9 months old and twice her size!

my grandma and grandpa,who are wonderful:

Uncle John, mom,dad, and Connor sitting by the bonfire:

Cousins Joe, Anna(1/3 of previously mentioned group "Word"), and me by the huge bonfire: