FINALLY after years of doctors visits and pain and bagillions of dollars spent in co-pays...i'm having back surgery. the surgery is on feb 7th at 8 am. my pre-op appt is on feb 1st. i'm no doctor so i'm probably going to get this wrong but my L4/L5 disk is bulging and is putting pressure on my spine. the doctors are going to go in and remove the parts of my disk that are causing the pressure and that should relive my back pain...forever!i chose the outpatient option-i will get operated on and go home the same day.expected recovery time is about three weeks. they suggested i take a full week off of work,and i should be able to work part-time the second week, and full time by the third week. i'm not looking forward to not working and expect to get cabin fever after two days so i'm hoping i heal faster than anticipated.
this may sound weird, but i'm super excited. i have been dealing with some sort of back pain for the past TEN years. when i would go to the doctor ten years ago a few doctors told me i just had a weak lower back. it wasn't until 2.5 years ago when i literally could not walk for three days that doctors bothered to do an mri and found out i actually have ruptured disks and needed surgery. at the time of the mri i didn't have insurance(that's how horrible it was. i went to the e.r., with no insurance, and had an mri. only crazy in pain people do that)so i couldn't fix anything then. it was only when my back freaked out five months ago that i decided i couldn't/wouldn't/didn't want to take it anymore.i now have insurance and am WAY too young to be dealing with this. i should be able to lift my nephew and give him a hug, or do any workout or ride any ride at the fair without having to worry about hurting myself. now, hopefully i will be able to.
i'm also super nervous just because it is surgery and there are risks with any kind of surgery. i'm going to be put under anesthesia, there's a risk of infection, or that the doctor messes up when he is operating, or i could not heal right. i mean, this is my BACK. if something goes wrong it could change the rest of my life. but i'm trying to be optimistic about everything and not let my nerves freak me out-otherwise i probably wouldn't go through with it.
alright, so that's my back update. of course you know i will keep everyone posted on how the surgery and my recovery go. please keep me in your thoughts and wish me luck!!
6 years ago