ok, i have a confession to make. pretty much every year, as my birthday approaches, i tell people i'm not excited for it. (refer to my
last post). truth of the matter is, the closer it gets, the more excited i become and the more i am wanting to celebrate the miraculous event that is my birth. this year was no exception.
the whole celebration process began approximately one week before the big day. i wanted a birthday dinner, and i wanted my good friends to be there. unfortunately, because of my terrible timing, a good amount of my good friends weren't able to come, but i'm so thankful for the ones who did :)
my sister(who is currently the best sister in the UNIVERSE) sent me a variety of her precious
cake balls as a birthday gift. i gladly shared my sister's balls at my bday dinner. those lucky few who got to try them are now OBSESSED. what can i say, they're tiny pieces of heaven on earth.
my dinner took place at the cheesecake factory....
my dinner dates

i have NO idea whose idea it was to tell the waiter we were celebrating my birthday (ok,it was mine) but i really was surprised when a group of waiters showed up w/ a sundae and started singing "happy birthday" to me after dinner.
my "please stop singing to me, i had no idea you guys actually still did that" face:

after dinner me and a couple of my friends headed to the muckleshoot casino to party some more on the dance floor. let me tell you, that was an experience in itself.
when we arrived, our intent was to head to the dance club and have a couple of drinks. nothing tooooooo crazy.
there was this live band called Vanity "singing" cover songs that night(by singing i mean lip syncing to the track w/ a fake band behind them). the lead singer girl would have won first place in a miley cyrus look-a-like contest, and the dude lead singer was prob 39 years old, had been tanning entirely wayyyy too much for the past 15 years, had bleach blonde hair and there was a chain hanging from his pants. really.
unfortunately, about halfway through their set the lead singer spotted me sitting at my table w/ my friends, minding my own business. next thing i know he's literally standing in front of my table singing directly to me two feet from my face. yikes. after he left my "friend"(i will now use this term loosely) told the security guard standing next to her that it was my birthday. HE then tells the lead singer who of COURSE thinks it's ok to then come up to my table, bringing his microphone and spotlight with him to strike up a conversation in front of the WHOLE CLUB.
i MAY have been slightly embarrassed.
after the "band's" "set" the leathery lead singer dude came up to me and said "i'm sorry if i embarrassed you. i just saw you making fun of me and had to put you on the spot"
dang. called out, just like that. on my birthday! i didn't mind. it was still a super fun time.
the night concluded with me putting down $20 on a game of black jack and very quickly losing $20 to a game of black jack.
the next day, saturday, was my ACTUAL birthday and i was extra stoked for this because it was my very FIRST seattle sounders game EVER! i've been wanting to go to one of these games for a while now, so when my bff katie gave me tix for my bday i was STOKED!
me and the biggest ball EVER:

me n val, my friend who was SO awesome to attend the game w/ me on last minutes notice!

$9.50 birthday beer. worth every penny!

random fact: i make some bomb ass tacos. SO bomb ass in fact that i considered(for about a minute) opening my own little taco shop in tacoma called "taco ma". get it??? tacoma. taco ma??? i'm so clever. little did i know, a taco place called taco ma already exists! not only does it exist...but it's got a sweet spot in qwest field! booooo!

after the game val and i took the bus back to belltown looking for some grub. we walked passed a few establishments. all of sudden...THIS one caught my eye:
dope burger
now, if you know me AT ALL, you know i am a fan of all things dope. this was no exception. all the drinks and food were exceptional. it was like a place you would see on the food network. i couldn't believe it when they told me they'd only been open four months! it was some good grub, for sure.
the conclusion of my birthday week celebration was my traditional birthday dinner at any place of my choosing with my mom and dad. this year i picked
BJ's restaurant and brewery. i went there about two years ago for my bday and i remember really liking it. however, this time my mom ordered the jumbalyah and ended up getting food poisoning! not only that, she gave some of her leftovers to the dog, so poor kobe got food poisoning too :(
all in all it was a pretty spectacular birthday. i'm actually looking FORWARD to being thirty because i know older is wiser. i have a few more lessons to learn and i'm definitely looking forward to them!