was your summer?? mine was pretty chill for the most part. hard to believe it's coming to an end soon. i think the highest temp we had here in seattle this "summer" was 45 degrees fahrenheit?? anyone wanna back me up on this?? i think i'm pretty close. either way, coldest. summer. ever.
i did have a few highlights that i wanted to share w/ you. since it would take tooooo long to type everything out and post all the pics i usually do, i'm going to (try to)give you the cliffsnotes version, and break it up into two diff posts. so, here, in short, is my 2011 summer.
JULY 8th, 2011:
i'm not ashamed to admit that i used to be the biiiiggest boy band freak. it started w/ the new kids on the block when i was a youngin', then progressed to backstreet boys and 'nsync in jr high and high school. eventually (ok when i was 22) i expanded my musical horizons to different genres of music, but have, and will probably always hold a special place in my heart for boy bands. don't hate, participate.
so when i heard the two bands that pretty much defined my youth (BSB, NKOTB) were combining for one super tour there was absolutely NO WAY i was going to miss it. i had seen backstreet boys live about 8 times, but had never seen NKOTB. when i was about 8 i had asked to see them live, but i never got the chance, so i had literally waited over 20 years for this! and it was absolutely worth the wait.
on the day of the show i was apparently way too excited to remember that i had an actual camera, so i just brought my ipod camera, which, unfortunately means that i didn't get any good pictures. but i def got memories that will last for a very long time!
the one and only semi decent picture i did get:
the members of both of the bands came into the audience at one point...this is danny wood from NKOTB-5 ft away from me!!
August 19th, 2011:
the second highlight of my summer was that i took my very first trip to VEGAS! i was telling my friend one day about how i spent my birthday and she told me she was going to vegas for hers. upon hearing i had never been before she told me to come w/ her (along w/ 6 of her close friends). me, being super adventurous and knowing a good time when i heard one, immediately accepted.
all of us were so excited for our trip we started counting down the days MONTHS in advance. we held a garage sale to raise spending money for sin city, and by the time it was actually time to leave for vegas we were about as excited as nine year old us the night before christmas.
my vegas roomie and bff amy! sooooo excited to be on the plane!
now i'm about to fill you in on a little secret...when travelling on a plane in a large group BRING CHOCOLATE. no no, the chocolate is not for you to eat after your bag of peanuts, it's for the flight attendants! we gave our flight attendant a box of see's chocolate and low and behold...guess who got free adult beverages on their flight?? cause that's how we roll.
we are classy ladies and go everywhere in style, so while everyone else waited 45 min for a cab to pick them up from the airport we rolled out in our super stretch limo...
complete w/ mirrors on the ceiling!
(that's my the mirror...on the ceiling!)
as we rode the short ride from the airport to our hotel, the monte carlo, i couldn't help but fall into a trance while staring out the window...partly in facination with seeing all the buildings i've seen a hundred times on tv and movies RIGHT THERE in front of me, and partly in excitement and anticipation as to what wonderful adventures this city of sin was about to bring...
(to be continued... :)