I'm pretty sure every adult says this every year,but holy cow, where did 2009 go??? it seems like it just flew by! i think back on things i did earlier this year and think "was that really that long ago? it seems like i did that last week!"
With the end of 2009 coming,i'm kind of forced to think back on this time. This year,has been,in recent history,by far,the best year. I've had so many wonderful opportunities and have done so many wonderful things. here are a few highlights:
*opened up the year seeing Joan Jett live!
*Sarah came to visit Seattle and set her hair on fire!
*i visited Sarah in Hollywood and had the best vacation ever!
*i got to go to Texas TWICE to visit my sister,bro in law and nephew
*4th of July in Minnesota is always fun
*my grandparents visiting Seattle from Oklahoma
*me growing,and learning more at work as well as becoming closer with co workers. i enjoy going to work more now than i ever have in my whole working career!
This is all on top of all the new friends i've made,the old ones that i've reconnected with,and the ones that i've grown a stronger bond with. I can't stress enough how great 2009 was for me.
Something i DIDN'T do in 2009 was MOVE!(technically i moved into my new house on jan 3rd or 4th,but that hardly counts) I've been moving pretty much every 6 months or so since 2005ish so it's been SO nice to take a break from that for a while. I also didn't change jobs,which i've been doing pretty much annually for the past 3ish years. I know I say this a lot,but i'm so so amazed how much I still love what i do. There have definitely been ups and downs,but by far,the ups outnumber the downs.
I'm not saying this year was perfect. I had my share of bad decisions, heartbreak, and general let downs,but that's just part of life, and i'll take that any day to not have anything that's happened in the previous 3 years happen again. As for 2010, I'm not quite sure it can top this year,but I'm willing to let it try :)
6 years ago
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