(disclaimer: i'm not gonna lie, this is a long post and includes lots of pictures. if you hate pictures and things that are long stop reading RIGHT NOW)
you probably could guess this about me, but if you gave me one thing to watch on television every day for the rest of my life it would definitely be anything food related. i could watch cakes being baked,a cook off where chefs need to make a main course using papaya, squid tentacles, and a gallon of chocolate syrup, learn how to make a meal in 30 minutes or less, grill the perfect steak, and find out who the next start of the channel will be, among tons of other food-related things,all day,every day if you let me.
one of my favorite shows is called
man vs. food. in case you are not familiar with the show, this is how the show's website describes it:
Food fanatic Adam Richman has held every job in the restaurant business, and now he's on a journey to explore the biggest and best eats our nation has to offer, including some of the craziest eating challenges around. In Man v. Food, Adam travels coast-to-coast from Richmond, VA, to San Diego, CA, and more.
Adam will attempt to conquer a massive grilled cheese sandwich in Cleveland, OH, a 7-lb. seafood feast in Long Island, NY, and race to finish 50 wings in 30 minutes in Boulder, CO.
Whether it's a gigantic omelet packed with toppings, a diabolical plate of hot wings, or a monstrous mountain of nachos, Adam will square off against the best of the best.speaking of gigantic omelet, when adam stopped by seattle, he ate at
beth's cafe, home of the TWELVE EGG OMELET challenge.
my coworker, government name-patricia gilson, and i were both discussing our mutual love for this show one day. pattie, being absolutely insane, decided she wanted to attempt the omelet challenge. i, being a good, supportive friend, told her i would attend, but not participate. we picked a date, invited some other friends, and thus started our egg-y outing! i'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to let me have the camera (ok,it was me), but i captured every yolk-tastic moment in all its glory.
introducing, our carpool:
pattie, as "i put on mascara while driving ALL THE TIME" girl:

estelle, as pattie's accomplice/ partner in crime:

and me and katie as the "because i got high" girls (for the record, we do not ACTUALLY get high, we just made up awesome lyrics and sang a fantastic duet to that song):

the four of us met after work, piled into patties beetle, turned on eminem's latest(cause that's how gangstas roll) and drove to beth's...
when we walked in, we were greeted by a hostess and this white board. i breathed a HUGE sigh of relief upon reading that there ARE actually CLAMS in their clam chowdah (phew!):

we were seated. we ordered food. the food came. let the challenge begin.
the beth's crew-obviously before the food came because everyone is smiling:

juuuuuuuuuuuust kidding, here we are!
josh(who was attempting a 12 egg omelet on his own), willie, and pattie:

estelle, moi,katie and sev:

just to give you an idea on how big this omelet actually is, let's compare,shall we??
my normal human sized breakfast,served on a normal human sized plate:

the twelve egg omelet, hashbrowns and toast breakfast, served on a pizza pan and weighing more than a human head:

good luck guys!!
the three omelet eaters started off strong and made a good sized dent in their omelettes within a few minutes:
yea! we are sooooo happy to be eating lots and lots of eggs!

about 20 minutes have gone by...let's see how everyone is doing!
pattie? estelle? still smiliing??(you can't really tell, but the answer is definitely a big, fat NO)

josh?? how about you??

two thumbs up and an eyebrow raise??...he's doing good!
at this point i think i should introduce the (other) entertainment of the evening. i present to you...jude!

jude is, quite possibly, the cutest 2 year old ever invented in the universe. (i can safely say this because connor will not be 2 until the end of september)
he did tons of cool things while the competition was going on including,
help himself to some coffee:

dipping french fries into water,and then eating them(most likely practicing for a future food eating competition of his own):

eating ice in a very cute manner:

and showing off his muscles for the ladies:

now...let's check back in with everyone and see how they're doing!
almost done guys,just a few last bites!! can you do it???

after an hour of sweat,tears,laughing,and eating let's check the final results:


in the challenge of (wo)men vs. food the winner is FOOD!! no one finished their plate, though i give all of them mad props for trying, they definitely ate more than i ever could have.
thanks to everyone who came!i had a GREAT time. see you in a few weeks for the women vs.food:spaghetti edition. stay tuned...

see you next time!!