my dearest friends, family, and lovers(past,present and future),
it's been a while since i've blogged. can't say i've really missed it. but i do feel that enough has happened to me in the past month or so that those who don't see or hear from me too often do deserve an update. so, here i go!
the main, an most important thing is my back problem. i hate going to doctors and i avoid it at almost all costs. but around mid september i felt like my healing had stalled, so i knew it was time to let the professionals take over and fix me because, really, i'm tired of hurting.
so i went to my doctor who referred me to a chiropractor. i've never had any experience with a chiropractor before and let me tell you-this first time was not a good one.
this guy was so flippant about me being there. he kept repeating on and on about how if i don't feel like he's the doctor for me then i could go somewhere else and if i don't feel like what he's doing then it was up to me to stop coming, he basically wasn't begging anyone to stay. he basically felt my back, told me what he was gonna do to try and fix it, and that was that. he wanted to see me the next week and we'd do the exact same thing whether i felt better or not. if this didn't work for 3-4 weeks then we'd try something else.
the second visit took exactly 3 minutes. he popped my back,popped my right side, popped my left side then said see ya!
after that appt i actually felt worse than usual. i pretty much had decided at that point that this was a waste of my time (and money, with a $35 dollar copay for each visit) and if i STILL wasn't feeling any better the next week i was gonna ask him to just refer me to an orthopedic surgeon.
luckily for me, he wasn't available at the time i needed for the next week, so i made an appt with the other doctor in the office.
he took the time out to thoroughly examine me. actually diagnose my problem(a rotated pelvic bone). then, upon hearing i HATED having my joints popped(it was very painful) he said that there were other ways to do the exact same thing that were less painful for me. he also gave me exercises and other things i could do at home to help my progress. when i had asked the first doctor if there was anything i could do he mumbled something about giving me a pamphlet but never did. my next appt he is taking x rays to check out what's going on.
it's just crazy to me how two doctors, in the same office, both with over ten years of experience could give me such different views on chiropractors. the first one i was about to give up hope and just not deal with him any more, but the second one i feel is doing what he can to make sure i get fixed and he actually cares about what's going on with me. i'm actually excited to go next week and see what else he wants to do to figure out how to fix me. i have a feeling it's going to come down to having surgery, which i don't want, but i don't know how else my back problem would get permanently fixed, since it's obviously a chronic problem.
so, that's that...
on top of that, there's only about three weeks left of biggest loser! since i hurt my back i've mainly been focusing on maintaining my current weight because i can't work out as much or as hard as i used to, obviously. i'm still in the lead, but there is one person who isn't too far behind me that is helping push me to work a little harder than i have been(which is basically not pushing at all). i've been in the lead for 5 months-i'm not about to lose it in the last two weeks. i've gone jogging a couple of times and i can tell that i'm not as in shape as i used to be. i'm an instant gratification kind of girl. i want to do/have what i want, and i want to do/have now. i know i can jog 3 miles without stopping, because i've done it before. so it's frustrating to me that i can't do that right now. it's been so long i need to build up my stamina again.
other than those things i've been basically up to the same ole'. the love of my life, my nephew connor turned TWO!! he's such a sweet boy i miss him a lot-hopefully i get to see him and meet my niece rylee here sometime soon.
to finish up this extremely medical (and slightly boring,sorry) blog post i wanna share a couple of videos of my previously mentioned adorable nephew...
the nba is already trying to draft him:
happy second birthday,conman!! (the look on his face when he sees his cake is priceless)
6 years ago
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