(downtown tacoma=my favorite)
well, this may come as a shock to everyone, but i've moved. again. this is probably my...8th? move in almost 3 years. in other words, i move a lot. seattle wasn't working out. for me it's one of those places i LOVE to visit, but i don't wanna live there.it was too tall. i didn't like the fact that in order to see the skyline i had to be standing on the 19th floor of a building. it was also too hoity toity. i had 3 coach stores within walking distance, but the closest target was a 20 minute drive! riiiidiculous! i still love it with all my heart and all my soul, but it wasn't "me".
i'm back in the tacoma area! spanaway,to be exact. I have a friend who i've known for about ten years who had a room available in her house, so i moved in! her brother and some other dude who i have yet to meet live here so it's an interesting combination. i'm only here through december, mid january at the very latest...hopefully then i'll find someplace closer to work(right now it's about a 40 min morning commute and a probably 1.5 hr afternoon commute that i have yet to experience).
i learned today at work that if i take the Sounder(the name of some fancy train)it's included in our benefits package at work! so i'll definitely have to get more info on that! go green and save money at the same time! sounds good to me!
these are mine and roomies plans for tomorrow:
sleep in til 11
laaazily get presentable for public viewing
make it to the movie theatre before 6 in order to get matinée price
that's it.
life is good.
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