my sister and connor left back home to texas on tuesday. i was soooo sad to see them go! i spent the last night before they left just hanging out with connor and holding him and playing with him. he's such a fun guy and he has the CUTEST smile. here's a couple pics i took while we were hanging:
sleepy teddy bear:

happy baby:

i kept thinking about how the next time i see him(whenever that is!) he's going to be SO much bigger! i wish babies didn't grow so fast!
other then that, things have pretty much been the same ole. i've been baby sitting for my friend for a few weeks now in order to get some "extra" cash. i was supposed to babysit for her 7-5 saturday and sunday but somehow on saturday night i ended up getting SUPER sick ( i won't go into details, but i was praying to the porcelin(sp?) gods until 3:30 am)so i had to cancel babysitting on sunday. i'm PRETTY sure i got food poisoning from some Papa Johns pizza me and my friends boys had for lunch(something i will NOT be eating for a very long time...)but neither of them got sick, so who knows. i was even more bummed to be sick because there was a show saturday night that i had been looking forward to for a very long time that i had to leave after the first act! oh well, i'm sure i'll see them again sometime it's monday and i'm still feeling a little bit dizzy and nauseous but i am finally able to drink stuff and i could eat A hot dog hopefully i'll be 100 percent here in the next couple of days.
it's been SNOWING here the past couple of days. i'm not a huge fan of being cold. as long as i'm warm in my house or i'm bundled up properly to be out in the snow, i have no problem with it!
i'm getting ready to start looking for a new place to live. i haven't had time lately, but once my nine day vacation kicks in (our center is closed Dec 24th-Jan 1st)i will definitely be looking as much as i can! i'm hoping to live in the renton area, so that i am a lot closer to work. but i'm willing to live as far south as downtown tacoma.
my car has been acting funny lately...whenever i would have to press on my brakes extra hard the emergency brake light would come on. i thought maybe it was just something wrong with my emergency brake light until i was driving to work this morning and i swear i had to push my brake pedal WAY more further down than i usually do in order to stop...if that makes any sense. anyway,i might leave work early today in order to have that checked out because that kind of freaks me out...
anyway,that's about it for now...i'll talk to you all soon!!
1 comment:
Connor is so adorable! What a cutie pie. I can't believe I am saying this --but I am jealous of everyone who is getting snow right now! It's yucky and rainy I wish it was snow. I am just like you, I hate the cold, but love the snow!!
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