Other then that things have been pretty a-ok. I still have the best, most rewarding job in the world. My grandparents and my sister,brother in law, and nephew came to visit for Thanksgiving. My grandparents left the Friday after and my brother in law stayed until the Tuesday after, my sister is here with Connor until this coming Tuesdday...so it's been SO nice spending time with all of them. I especially am loving playing with little Connor. He just turned two months old and he is the happiest baby in the world. I have no problem just sitting for hours in a chair holding him, playing with him,listening to him "talk", or even just watching him sleep. He is the most adorable baby ever i love him so MUCH! and it's amazing because i know i'm not the only person who feels this way about this little baby boy...so many others love him as much as i do! what a lucky little guy!
i leave you with a few pictures of me in action at work with my kids, pics from Thanksgiving coming as soon as i recieve them!
ring around a rosey...

making our own chex mix

watching wall-e(NOT recommended for 3 year olds...)

i was soooo boring, she fell asleep!

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