Thursday, January 29, 2009

i've got sunshine, on a cloudy day


my car has not had a working sound system in it for about 2 months now. because of this, i spend a lot of time thinking when i am driving from point A to point B.

today, while i was driving my 35 minute commute to work i had a revelation.

this is a good week, and i am feeling good.

there is no specific reason for this. my life is SO far from perfect,i don't have anything super special going on(currently), and i haven't won the lottery(that i know of), i just feel good. i'm sure i SHOULD be feeling stressed, or worried, or i should be moping about how much something isn't going right, but i'm not, and i have no desire to. my preschool kids have been acting like maniacs, i can't find my debit card, and i don't have any quarters to do laundry...but i don't care. right now, i feel like i'm on cloud nine, and nothing could bring me down.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

play it loud

I have a couple of pretty big weekends coming up that i'm absolutely STOKED to tell you about.


First off, this coming weekend I am getting to see my favorite band in the whole entire universe, MxPx, play for the first time in over a year. Now, when it comes to this band, I've been pretty spoiled. They happen to be local (from Bremerton,WA) so i've seen them live quite a few times. I think I saw them 7 times in one year at some point. Anyway, going a year w/out seeing them live has not been my favorite. They are playing a benefit show at El Corazon on Saturday, Jan 31st. My favorite blue haired girl Cindi is going to be accompanying(sp??) me that night, as well as the rest of the weekend, and we ALWAYS have a great time. Good times will be had by all for SURE.


The next weekend, Feb 6th-Feb 8th my friend Sarah will be flying in from California to visit ME!! Yep, I get a visitor. I'm stoked. We have SO much planned it's ridiculous. One weekend is not enough time! Incentive to come back?? I think so! On Friday we are gonna be attending a Tumbledown show in Seattle (her first, my 345978th). Who's Tumbledown?you ask?? Well, look at the 4 hot dudes above and then Google Mike Herreras Tumbledown. They're rad. Other things we have planned are: visiting Bremerton,eating, visiting Seattle, eating, visiting the original Starbucks, eating, eating and...oh, eating.

Can't wait!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Not much has changed since the last time I updated, hence the lack of updates. Did I mention before that our basement flooded? Cause it did. Dudes have been working "hard" at getting it dry and putting our basement back together. Well, it's dry. The carpet has been stretched and new padding has been put in place. It's finally livable again! which is so nice. I love the fact that i can walk to my room without worrying about tripping over an exercise machine or some rolled up carpet. Now the trim needs to be put back on, walls painted, and bathroom tile needs replaced. After allll that...we're good to go!

I've got most everything unpacked. Just a small bag on the bottom of my closet floor that i forgot about. I need to buy some curtains for my VERY see through blinds, and then finally bring over and unpack the stuff from my parents house. I'm hoping I'll find my flute sometime, I'd love to bust it out and see how wonderfully amazing I still am!

I've been thinking about dying my hair black again. I dunno though. It may look weird just cause my hair is so long. So i made a promise to myself that if/when i lose 30 lbs i will chop off all my hair(again)and dye it black(again). Just you wait and see!

Have I mentioned that the company i work for, Bright Horizons, is named one of the top 100 companies to work for by Forbes?? One of the perks of working for my company is they have this thing called Bright Horizons University. In this university you have the option of taking classes and earning your Child Development Associate certification...for FREE! This is a big deal and once I am certified I will receive a 10 percent pay raise. I have the option of taking classes online or at a local community college, I will be taking them online. Also, it will take about 15 months. There is an option for a "fast track" so i'm hoping to qualify for that, so i can get done sooner!

Ok,that's really about it for now. If anything exciting happens i promise you guys will be the first to know. Love ya!

Saturday, January 17, 2009



It's Saturday night and I just got back from watching my roommate, Heidi, play an acoustic set with her friend Chris at a coffee shop Forza right down the street from our house. Can I just rant and rave on how talented she is?? For real. Her voice is so clear and pure and amazing it's wonderful to hear. One night she was giving me an impromptu guitar lesson and she was singing a lot of her songs for me. I told her "Heidi, all your songs are so sweet sounding whether you're sad, or happy, or mad. Sing me a sound and sound ANGRY!". Yeah, not possible. She's only been playing the guitar for almost two years now but some of the songs that she's written have great lyrics that just run through your head day and night and you want to apply them to your life. Those are my favorite kinds of songs. I've been attempting to learn my guitar for about two years now. I always am hardcore into it for a month or two, then just stop practicing. But right after I'm done with this I'm gonna go work on what I know and get good at the guitar! Maybe someday someone can be writing a blog about how talented THEY think I am. That would be sweet.

Anyway, not only is she an amazing musician and writer, she's a wonderful mother who loves her boys so much and it shows in how she takes care of them and is protective of them from the bad things in life. She can paint and draw like it's ridiculous. I would truly be so honored to have one of her paintings hanging up on my bedroom wall. On top of all of THAT she's one of the nicest, most kind people I know, who I know would do anything for the people that she loves. She really is an inspiration as a single, working mom. I'm in awe at all the things she has accomplished and things I know she will accomplish despite all the complications that have been thrown her way.

It's very odd for me to be this in awe of someone, especially since I've known her for a short amount of time,and especially to write a blog about it and state it publicly for people to read, but I had to get it out there, how great this friend of mine is.

If you would like to check out some of her music you can go to her music myspace at The songs that are up are just rough cuts of things she's written, probably recorded in her bedroom at home.

End rant.

Friday, January 9, 2009

my first video blog!

Sooooo I wrote all the stuff below. After writing it I was inspired to just say it all via video blog. If you're in the watching mood, watch. If you're in the reading mood, read. If you're REALLY both. Either way, enjoy.

So I've officially moved into my new house in downtown Tacoma. The move itself from Spanaway to here was fairly painless. I had two car load worth of stuff that I quickly transferred over last Sunday night. I was technically supposed to move in Saturday but,well, I got lazy. So Sunday it was! The rest of my stuff (including my BED, computer desk, dresser, clothes,etc)are in storage and my dad is helping me get all that stuff outta storage and into the house tomorrow.I totally owe him an americano for his help! I'm SO excited to be sleeping in my OWN bed for the first time in almost 6 months! I missed it so much!!

So far it's been so much fun living here. Well, except for the basement flooding. We had excessive rain for a few days and our basement(where,btw,my room is located)just couldn't take it and let every drop of water in the whole world into it. The rain has stopped,but the water is still there and, thankfully, no water got into any of the rooms! We survived! Hopefully who ever is in charge will get that pesky leak fixed pronto so our pretty basement can get back to looking pretty!

Anyway,back to the fun part. I'm not sure that I could ever live completely by myself. I love having roommates too much. Is that weird? It may be because I've never technically lived by myself, but I love the fact that there's someone to greet you w/ your favorite cupcake when you come home from a bad day at work (thanks again,Heidi :) ), or if you need to borrow a hair drier or need advice on what pair of shoes to wear that night,you have someone right there to give their advice or opinion. Even the two boys, Parker(7) and Noah(5) are good kids and getting to know them better has been a fun experience as well! I'm also enjoying the cable tv, which I didn't know I missed so much until I got it back again!

Another good thing about moving to Downtown Tacoma is I'm a LOT closer to work than I was when I was living in Spanaway. Before I would have to leave home at 7:05 every morning in case there was traffic in order to make it to work by 8:30. Now, as long as I leave by 7:30 I'm good to go! On good traffic days it takes me about 35 minutes to get to work. Not too shabby compared to the hour+ commute I used to have.

This month is gonna keep me pretty busy... between babysitting,work, a staff meeting, shows, decorating my new room(!!!!!!) I'm really excited for everything. I know it's only 9 days in,but in general '09 has been pretty good to me. Let's hope this keeps up!! Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.

Monday, January 5, 2009

have i mentioned...

that i have THE cutest nephew on the entire PLANET. no. in the entire UNIVERSE?????? cause i do.

elf baby


"this is all for ME?? Yesssss."


grandpa and sleep-e


proudest aunt


Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!!


Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season!! Mine was pretty great. i was lazy a lot. that was my intention so it worked out for the best.on christmas day i went over to my parents house where we had breakfast and opened presents. i got a lot of gift cards and some money, which was great. i love gift cards because they enable me to go shopping...and i LOVE shopping! they both had to work that night so at about 4 i went home and just watched season 8 of friends for the rest of the day. sooo relaxing!

new years eve was probably the highlight of my vacation. originally me and tiff had planned to go ring in the new year with the rocky point all stars in bremerton but i saw an advertisement for a FREE Joan Jett show playing at a casino in Tacoma so we jumped on that instead! she is such a music legend there was no way we could miss it! the show itself was amazing. joan looked amazing. hard to believe she's 50 years old. she played and sang better than a lot of musicians half her age, she looked better than 90 percent of the audience! and she still kicks SO much ass. during one of her songs some dudes started fighting. she stopped in the middle of her song and told them to knock it off. it was great! she finished playing "i love rock and roll" one minute before midnight, then we counted down to 2009 and they played an awesome version of Auld Lang Syne. all in all a GREAT night and probably my favorite new years eve ever. i don't have any of joans cd's right now but believe me i'm gonna become an avid collecter!(take note)(i'll put up more pics from the show once my friend emails them to me!!)

i also officially decided to move in with my friend and her kids over my break. it really is a great deal for me, and everyone i talked to told me they thought it was great as well, so i'm officially moving in this Saturday, Jan 3rd! i'm SO excited i can't wait to have cable and internet again!

today i work and then we have the weekend off. i'm really excited to see my kids! i'm also really excited about a new year! 2007 was probably the crappiest year in the history of years of my life ever, 2008 gave me a nephew and a brother in law and this amazing job! i don't have any plans for 2009 yet, besides moving for(hopefully) the last time for a LONG time, but i can't wait to see what happens!