Sooooo I wrote all the stuff below. After writing it I was inspired to just say it all via video blog. If you're in the watching mood, watch. If you're in the reading mood, read. If you're REALLY both. Either way, enjoy.
So I've officially moved into my new house in downtown Tacoma. The move itself from Spanaway to here was fairly painless. I had two car load worth of stuff that I quickly transferred over last Sunday night. I was technically supposed to move in Saturday but,well, I got lazy. So Sunday it was! The rest of my stuff (including my BED, computer desk, dresser, clothes,etc)are in storage and my dad is helping me get all that stuff outta storage and into the house tomorrow.I totally owe him an americano for his help! I'm SO excited to be sleeping in my OWN bed for the first time in almost 6 months! I missed it so much!!
So far it's been so much fun living here. Well, except for the basement flooding. We had excessive rain for a few days and our basement(where,btw,my room is located)just couldn't take it and let every drop of water in the whole world into it. The rain has stopped,but the water is still there and, thankfully, no water got into any of the rooms! We survived! Hopefully who ever is in charge will get that pesky leak fixed pronto so our pretty basement can get back to looking pretty!
Anyway,back to the fun part. I'm not sure that I could ever live completely by myself. I love having roommates too much. Is that weird? It may be because I've never technically lived by myself, but I love the fact that there's someone to greet you w/ your favorite cupcake when you come home from a bad day at work (thanks again,Heidi :) ), or if you need to borrow a hair drier or need advice on what pair of shoes to wear that night,you have someone right there to give their advice or opinion. Even the two boys, Parker(7) and Noah(5) are good kids and getting to know them better has been a fun experience as well! I'm also enjoying the cable tv, which I didn't know I missed so much until I got it back again!
Another good thing about moving to Downtown Tacoma is I'm a LOT closer to work than I was when I was living in Spanaway. Before I would have to leave home at 7:05 every morning in case there was traffic in order to make it to work by 8:30. Now, as long as I leave by 7:30 I'm good to go! On good traffic days it takes me about 35 minutes to get to work. Not too shabby compared to the hour+ commute I used to have.
This month is gonna keep me pretty busy... between babysitting,work, a staff meeting, shows, decorating my new room(!!!!!!) I'm really excited for everything. I know it's only 9 days in,but in general '09 has been pretty good to me. Let's hope this keeps up!! Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.
6 years ago
1 comment:
Cute! Good job Andi!
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