It's Saturday night and I just got back from watching my roommate, Heidi, play an acoustic set with her friend Chris at a coffee shop Forza right down the street from our house. Can I just rant and rave on how talented she is?? For real. Her voice is so clear and pure and amazing it's wonderful to hear. One night she was giving me an impromptu guitar lesson and she was singing a lot of her songs for me. I told her "Heidi, all your songs are so sweet sounding whether you're sad, or happy, or mad. Sing me a sound and sound ANGRY!". Yeah, not possible. She's only been playing the guitar for almost two years now but some of the songs that she's written have great lyrics that just run through your head day and night and you want to apply them to your life. Those are my favorite kinds of songs. I've been attempting to learn my guitar for about two years now. I always am hardcore into it for a month or two, then just stop practicing. But right after I'm done with this I'm gonna go work on what I know and get good at the guitar! Maybe someday someone can be writing a blog about how talented THEY think I am. That would be sweet.
Anyway, not only is she an amazing musician and writer, she's a wonderful mother who loves her boys so much and it shows in how she takes care of them and is protective of them from the bad things in life. She can paint and draw like it's ridiculous. I would truly be so honored to have one of her paintings hanging up on my bedroom wall. On top of all of THAT she's one of the nicest, most kind people I know, who I know would do anything for the people that she loves. She really is an inspiration as a single, working mom. I'm in awe at all the things she has accomplished and things I know she will accomplish despite all the complications that have been thrown her way.
It's very odd for me to be this in awe of someone, especially since I've known her for a short amount of time,and especially to write a blog about it and state it publicly for people to read, but I had to get it out there, how great this friend of mine is.
If you would like to check out some of her music you can go to her music myspace at http://www.myspace.com/heidivladyka. The songs that are up are just rough cuts of things she's written, probably recorded in her bedroom at home.
End rant.
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