Is/are your animal(s) spayed/neutered?
duh. i would NOT want to make bob barker angry.
Two sports you played in middle school?
none. i did play powderpuff football and volleyball in college,though(random known fact)
Favorite perfume?
strawberries and champagne, and love spell from victorias secret ( i also love most of britney spears' fantasy perfumes..don't tell anyone,though!)
Do you like thunderstorms?
yes,very much! that's the one thing i miss about living in oklahoma
Do you drink coffee?
this is like asking if i blink or breathe.
Do you like to bake/cook?
yes yes yes!!! gimme a recipe, i wanna make it!
What kind of car do you drive?
2000 Mazda Protege aka "Maggie"
What are your "comfy clothes"?
lounge pants and a tshirt/sweatshirt/tank top, depending on the season
If you could time travel, what would be your first stop?
50's malt shop
What is your natural hair color?
apparently dark brown,almost black,which i didn't realize til i dyed my hair light brown thinking THAT was the natural color. my roots proved otherwise.
What language would you like to speak fluently?
Favorite hot drink?
peppermint white chocolate mocha with peppermint whipped cream and red sprinkles on top
Riding horses or riding dolphins?
riding dolphins! i love doing flips and shit.
left handed or right handed?
left handed writing,right handed everything else. i'm full of tricks you've never seen.
How many hobbies do you have?
all of them
Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
yes,if i'm in love
Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?
heck no,i won't go!
Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
sleeping in,making breakfast and coffee, and relaxing
If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?
tacos! not gonna lie, my tacos are kiiind of a big deal.
What is your favourite word?
How do you feel?
anxious to get off work,go home and get the weekend started! hello weekend,i missed you.
What size shoes do you wear?
10. you know what they say about girls with big shoes...they're super smart and funny!
what is love?
a friendship set on fire
Would you rather be hot or cold?
hot hot hot. i passionately HATE being cold!
Favorite fruit?
strawberries, mango,pineapple,apples. yeah.
Are you a cat or a dog person?
dog. cats are useless.
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
blind. life without hearing music would SUCK
Define yourself in 3 words...
Are you fed up of all these questions?
yes. please stop.
What is your favorite TV show?
of all time-The Wonder Years, and Friends.
Kill the spider or let it out?
i found out the other day if i'm the only one home the spider gets to live because i do not kill spiders without backup.
Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore?
if they're entertaining,spare change. if they're just sitting there,ignore.
Where do you want to travel next?
Paris.always Paris.
What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out?
video record it,then sell the video to the media and get millions of dollars and retire for being the only person to have ever been asked out by a dead guy.
What is your favorite food?
pizza! tacos!nachos!coffee!(is coffee a food?)chicken teryiaki! potstickers!homemade spaghetti!!all of that.
Do you read harry potter books?
no way jose
What is your favorite place?
If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
to be able to predict the outcome of situations
Have you had a beer in the last week?
ummm...yes actually. i HAD to get a beer at the m's game last sunday. it's basically mandatory.
Vitamin Water or Gatorade?
Flip flops or sandles?
flippy floppies!!
What do you do on fridays?
work.stay at home. go out. go on vacation. whatever i feel like doing.
What is your favorite song of all time?
oh geeze. this is impossible to answer. next question.
Do you like bananas?
they're ok. i definitely have to be in the mood for a banana. i do not like banana flavored things. gross.