it started by sleeping in. i LOVE sleeping in. definitely on my list of "top 10 things i enjoy doing a LOT".
i decided a LONG time ago that i needed a pedicure...BADLY. so,after getting good looking, i grabbed my morning americano from starbucks and drove to a place in puyallup that i had been to before that i knew was awesome,and it was perfect. and sooooo relaxing. if you have never had a pedicure i HIGHLY recommend you get one. they are the best things in the WORLD. not only do you get pretty toes,but they massage your lower legs as well and it. is. wonderful.
by the time my pedicure was done it was lunchtime and i was huuuuungry. for some reason these past 2-3 weeks or so i've had this crazy hot dog craving. where do you go when you have a hot dog craving? um, COSTCO of course. i got a hot dog,soft drink, AND a compliment on how good i looked in my shirt for $1.64??? hells. yeah.
perfection in a bun.(apparently i have the wrists of a 143 year old. check out those wrinkles)(that's ketchup,mustard and relish you're looking at. raw onions are gross)

as i was leaving costco i drove past a piece of my past.
when i was in junior high and my sister was in elementary school and our parents left us alone in the house sometimes we would leave our house and walk about a half mile to this corner grocery store called "the handy corner". we would then proceed to buy all the candy,chips and soda our allowance would allow. we moved out of this house by the store in '97 and i'm pretty sure i haven't been back since. today, i went back. inside is exactly how i remember. i went in with the intention of just buying a pack of gum but then,i saw them...sixlets. did anyone else eat these as a kid? they're kinda like mini malty flavored chocolate balls of candy. i bought a pack just for nostalgic sake and they tasted exactly how i remember.

this amazing piece of perfection was immediately followed by the search for the perfect mariners shirt*AND another compliment on how cute the shirt i was wearing was(i'm SO wearing this shirt every day for the rest of my life).
while i was in federal way, in the middle of the search for the perfect mariners shirt, i got hungry(it was,after all,about 6 hours since my costco dog).(*disclaimer* i have noticed that when i post about foods i have eaten,they are usually high calorie,high fat,highly gross for you foods. i want to assure you that i do, during the week, eat healthy, meaning no fast food/excessive sugar so that i can afford to spurge during the weekend and not gain 38973 lbs. so don't worry,grandmas! i do eat my veggies/fruits!)i stopped at one of my FAVORITE places to eat dinner/lunch that is relatively good for you...Panera Bread. if you are craving a sandwich this is THE place to go. (random fact: i have absolutely no problem eating at a fast food-like place by myself. however, i will NOT go into a bar/red robin/olive garden/any other restaurant where you can't leave without spending at least 15 dollars on your meal by myself.)
this may look boring but i promise it's one of those most amazing things i've put in my mouth EVER.(a turkey and swiss sandwich with chicken noodle soup and french bread)also,it must have been "be a bitch to your customers" day because the lady that took my order was not nice at ALL.

most of my day consisted of searching for my mariners shirt. after i found it i left target and saw a rainbow,which basically signified that i should probably head home and chill.

the rest of my day is just going to be: writing this post(done and done),and cleaning my room.
today was probably the MOST relaxing day i could have ever asked for(even though it may not sound like it,it was to me). pretty sure if i tried to sleep now i would fall into a coma and not wake up for a very long time.that's how relaxed i am.
today was pretty close to being perfect. the only reason it wasn't was because i: #1 wanted my hair did but waited too long to make an appt. and #2 it was rainy :(
had those 2 things occurred i'm SURE it would have been the best day of my life.
*see previous blog post