sounds simple enough,right?
i've had the same m's shirt that i bought for 6 dollars off the clearance rack in the little boys section at target for about 6 years now,so i figured i was way overdue for an upgrade.
my thinking before my adventure started was "oh,i'll stop at target and pick up a shirt there." since i was in puyallup(a very long ways from my house in tacoma) i decided to check the puyallup target first.nada.
this started my search for shirts in the fancier,more expensive sports stores. coincidentally target is attached to a mall,so i just headed out there.
second stop,champs sports. they had a shirt i liked,but i wanted to check other stores to make sure that was the one i REALLY wanted (note to dudes:this is a regular occurrence when girls shop. why else do you think it takes us 3 hrs to buy one item?).
third stop,just sports. nada.
i then proceeded to check jc pennys and sears(stores 4 and 5). nada aaaand nada.
i decided to purchase the shirt i saw at champs, and called my mission complete.little did i know my mission had only just begun.
i went home and tried it was TOO BIG. UGH. i did NOT want to drive all the way back to puyallup to exchange the shirt so i went to a champs store in federal way(store 6,mall 2,city 2),where i was subtly insulted by the sales girl.
me:hi,i'm looking for this shirt in small,do you have any in the back?
*stupid sales girl pauses and then looks me up and down*
stupid sales girl:are you sure you need a small?
me:yes. the smallest you have out here are mediums,i need a small. do you have any in the back?
*stupid sales girl half ass kinda sorta tries to look for a small in another section of the store,not the back*
stupid sales girl:no...that's all we're SURE a small is what you need?
me:YES. i bought this shirt(holds up first purchase)at one of your other stores,it's a medium and it's too big. i NEED a SMALL.
upon hearing that i had actually tried ON a shirt in a bigger size and,thus,confirming that i do,in fact, actually need a small the stupid sales girl all of a sudden became a lot more helpful.
stupid sales girl: OH!(as if she just had an epiphany)well we don't have that shirt,but we do have this one and this one and this one in small.
unfortunately,none of the other shirts were to my liking,so i headed to just sports(are you keeping track? we are now on store 7) located in that same mall. i find a hoodie that i really liked,but was kinda leery about it since it's supposed to be 70 degrees at the game tomorrow,but i bought it anyway-just in case i couldn't find a small shirt.
on my way home i decided to try one LAST stop-target in tacoma(store 8!!,city 3). i head straight to the mariners t-shirt section and i SWEAR i saw little angels with halos singing the "hallelujah" chorus guiding me right to it...there it was...right in plain view...the PERFECT seattle mariners team shirt...and they had my size!!!
8 stores,2 malls, 3 cities,5 hours,1 insult,1/4 tank of gas and 100 dollars later...i had it. all that's left to do now is return the other 2 shirts i bought. i can safely say, after today, it will be another 6 years before i try to buy another m's shirt again.
(yea,i'm SO happy i found a shirt!)

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