as i mentioned in my last blog, i've been reallly tired these past couple of weeks. i figured it was just anemia,but went to the doctor to make sure it wasn't something more serious. well guess what,it's serious...
i'm not sure how to take this news since it is,in fact,completely unexpected. i'm nervous,scared...i don't even know. i had no intention of having kids any time soon but,it is what it is i suppose.
i'm 8 weeks along, my due date is Nov 7th.the dad is a guy i was dating a couple of months ago. it didn't work out romantically,but we are still good friends. i have told him and he is totally supportive of my decision to go through with this new adventure ahead of us.
i KNOW a lot of my family will be disappointed in me,but i see this only as another challenge in my life that i will take on and overcome,but will also need helpful tips and techniques from all of you who have gone through this before :)
alright,well that's it,that's my big news! all donations in the form of diapers,clothes,bottles,future college funds are welcome and will be accepted :)
(p.s. this is my lame attempt at an april fools joke and is not,in any way,shape,or form real. sorry if any of my family members suffered a minor heart attack)
6 years ago
1 comment:
I read this after April Fools day and was like...HOLY MOLY! Glad it was a joke...I couldn't imagine doing it on my own!
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