i think right now i'm struggling to find a good medium-what to write about, what not to write about, what do people want to read, do people even care? so please be patient while the new direction my blog is going in is under construction :) (i don't know what that direction is, so it'll be a surprise to us both)
in the meantime-i can give you a cliffsnotes version of my current going-ons!
*the biggest and best one is most definitely that i am an aunt again!! my sister gave birth to my niece rylee reynolds on aug 27th and both are doing wonderful! pictures to come soon....
*as of a week ago i've lost 31.5 lbs doing the biggest loser. i feel amazing. i'm fitting into sizes that i haven't worn since jr high, and i'm more athletically fit than i've ever been in my whole life. that's not saying much, i'm not gonna win any marathons or try out for the olympics anytime soon, but it's awesome setting personal physical goals then working to achieve them. i mentioned the warrior dash a few blog posts back, and i was SUPER stoked about it until...
*you know that ongoing back problem i have? yeah, it totally flared up again. pretty sure it's zumba's fault. i went to class one day and couldn't walk the next. i missed 3 days of work and, unless some magical back healing fairy comes along, i am pretty sure i'm not going to be well enough by sunday to do the dash. i'm actually taking an unofficial (short) break from biggest loser since i can barely walk, let alone work out.
that's about it for now...now, the fun part!
remember my last vlog where i mentioned fitting into my favorite dress of all time and my roommate doing a photo shoot of me in it?? well, here's the pictures! i think the pictures turned out great and she really did a wonderful job of capturing "me". as it turned out, the best pictures are the ones where i was just goofing off,not even posing for.so, in no particular order, here is our favorite shots:

totally trespassing,that's how i roll

sometimes i might give you the side-eye

my serious face

heidi loves this one cause she's in it

hoping for some rain...it was HOT!

my personal favorite(i think)

like what you see?? you can leave me a comment with your phone number down below(hahaaaa,just kidding :) OR, if you would like my roommate to shoot you and make you look totally amazing you can check out more of her photos here or contact her at hvladyka@hotmail.com
i'll see you guys again SOON! i promise :)
YOU LOOK AMAZING! I love the first picture you posted, as well as the one where you're laughing.
Your post is very inspiring. I am trying to lose weight (I have seriously packed on the pounds), and appreciate you sharing your journey with us readuhs and fellow blogguhs.
thank you,katie! that's really sweet :)
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