well i am super duper extremely amazingly excited to announce that i have a new job! i have been pretty unhappy at the boys and girls club for quite a while now...it's a mix of my supervisor walking around with a stick up her ass, to not feeling like i am ever gonna be able to move up in the company,to the crappy school year split shift, to it being SO far away from where i live right now that made me DESPERATE to find a new job. my new job is at Boeing Family Center which is a preschool for infant age to 5 year old children. i applied for a lead teacher position for 3 year olds. I did not get the position i applied for (that went to some lady who had taught preschool for 18 years) but they still REALLY liked me and wanted me to work for them, so they offered me a position as a floater, which,basically, i will fill in for other teachers who call in sick or have emergencies or whatever. it's a full time position, i get paid more than at B&GC, there's benefits and i get first dibs at the next lead teacher position that opens up(or so i'm told). my first day is september 29th and i can't wait. i love moving on and learning new things and i think this position will be perfect for me for now while i'm learning about all the different age groups of kids so i will be an even better canidate when a lead teacher position does open up. sooooo,that's my best news for now!
other then that i've been keeping myself pretty busy and running myself ragged. i have to get up at 430 in order to catch my bus to work so i can be there at 7...i'm no morning person so that alone wears me out...on friday night i went and saw Rocky Point All Stars play at Brewskis. Their energy was great, their playing was great and the crowd was AMAZING! i've seen RPA play about 4 million times and that was one of my top 3 favorite shows.
Saturday i went and got my hair did by future up and coming hair stylist to the stars, Tiffany. She put some blonde and red highlights in my hair and made it pretty much kick ass(thanks tiff!). After that i rushed home, got cute looking and went to some random bar in Enumclaw called The Crystal. At first i was skeptical because,well, it was a random bar in Enumclaw but it was actually a pretty good time! the bar itself looked somewhat new and the guys in there were pretty HOT...and with their girlfriends. it has a restuarant in the bar that's kinda pricy but the food is deeeelish!
Today, Sunday, i went to the Puyallup Fair with my mom and a friend of hers from work. i LOVE when the fair rolls around...every year, no matter how many times you've been, you experience or see something you never have before. Today was the ultimate new experience day. I started off by 1. Eating an elephant ear...after years and years and years of people telling me how good they were (THEY ARE!) 2. seeing the hypnotist...after years and years and years of people telling me how funny the show is(IT IS!) and 3.managing to walk out of the fair spending less than 20 dollars, which i'm pretty proud of myself...
my mom is making sesame chicken wings and they smell like heaven so i'm gonna scarf some down...til next time!
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