for the first time in probably 4 years.
It was gross.
My weekend, however, was not!
On Friday night after I got off of work I went shopping for myself(quite possibly my most favorite activity in the world). There was an RPA show that night and I was in the mood to look super cute. Found something to wear, mission accomplished, on to dinner.
Me and Tiff ate at a delicious teriyaki restaurant in Tacoma. I dunno what it is lately, but I've been craving teriyaki chicken and gyoza like a mofo. That was probably my 3rd or 4th time eating it in 2 weeks. (Sidenote:one of those times was at the Cheesecake Factory...teriyaki NOT recommended. Totally disgusting, I couldn't even eat it. However, their potstickers=best EVER.)
After dinner was on to the show! Rocky Point kicked ass,which I'm pretty sure is ALL they know how to do, and a boy who I think is hot thought I looked hot that that's always a nice bonus! All around a fun night!
Saturday I didn't wake up until ONE!!! I don't even remember the last time I slept in past 9! Especially since I've started waking up at 430, it's been really hard to sleep in late. Needless to say, my waking up extremely late was the start to the laaaaaziest day EVER. Which was welcome. I think I needed it to catch up on sleep lost during the week and to just take some time to breathe...which even that I've been having trouble finding time for.
Sunday I did the Puyallup, again! I'm not even exaggerating when I say I could go to the fair every day that it runs and never get bored and always find something I've never seen/done before.
There's this guy there who makes marbles with names on them. Well, with my name(Andraya,Andi) being so unique he did not have my name last year. I requested it for this year, he wrote it in his little book, and he actually made it!!! So now I have marbles with my name on it. Which sounds totally lame...but when you bring into account that
#1 I have NOTHING with my full name on it
#2 it's pretty much customized cause he wouldn't of had it if I didn't ask for it...I was pretty stoked.
This is my last week at Boys and Girls Club. I thought I'd be sad leaving all my kids...and I am...but I'm more sad leaving (most) of my fellow coworkers. They're so much fun and I enjoy talking to them and exchanging weekend stories with them. I'm sure I'll meet new ones at my new job,though. I go to my new job tomorrow morning to start filling out paperwork! I'm actually really excited about this!!!! Ok time to go back to work...
6 years ago
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