i'm not gonna lie, today was a pretty crappy day at work..and it was all because of two 11 year olds. they are the most disrespectful kids and it irritates the hell outta me. anytime you ask either of them to do anything i am questioned as to why they have to do it, or they make some argument on as to why they shouldn't have to do it, or they just pretend they don't hear you. at one point today, i was called rude because i didn't let one girl wait to stack chairs when every single other kid, including the FIVE year olds, did it without questions. anyways, i digress...
earlier that day, before the dumb 11 year old kids started making me homicidal i was helping one kid, Daniel, with his reading homework. Daniel is a bright kid and usually has a breeze with reading, it's math(particularly division)that kicks his butt. However, for some reason today he was having a tough time with reading. I was doing my best trying to explain, and breaking the problems down to make it easier for him but he was just not understanding it, no matter what. When he found out all the other kids were going outside to the playground that just made it worse and he broke down and started crying. I once again tried to break the reading problem down even MORE when Daniel says to me, "it's just not fair, my teacher assigned SO much work on a Friday!"(when you're in elem school, usually Fridays are homework free). I then said "Daniel, it's Monday." he replied with "...oh yeah..." It was then he stopped crying and we were both laughing our heads off and he became less frustrated and got his homework done pretty soon after that.
It's stories like that that make me realize how much i love my job and why i love working with kids so much...even though the 11 year olds were irritating as hell, i just have to remember that moment i shared with Daniel today and all my feelings of resentment and irritation and anger towards the other kids go away. I feel that working with kids is where I'm supposed to be..i just haven't found my EXACT place in working with children yet...this is why i'm so excited to start my new job, maybe this is the place i'm supposed to be, as a preschool teacher. i know i'm for certain wanting to work mainly with the younger kids because they are at the age before they become so defiant and blatantly disrespectful and rude. that's about it as far as that goes...
now i'm just sitting here wondering...isn't americas got talent usually on ABC on mondays? some Christian bale movie is on right now and i'm incredibly dissapointed...
6 years ago
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