Alright, so, my preschoolers have had Fruit Loops for their afternoon snack quite a few times. They love them, just as every 3 year old would love any sugary cereal snack. The cereal is always eaten dry, and usually mixed with Goldfish, pretzels, chocolate chips, basically I think anything the kitchen has laying around. We serve it to them in a small cup, they dump the cup out, pick out all their favorite pieces to eat first, eat the rest, that's the end of it.
Anyway, so a couple of weeks ago I taught a lesson on colors. All week long we did things with Fruit Loops such as making the ever so popular Fruit Loops necklaces, which helps kids develop their small motor skills,making patterns with the Fruit Loops, organizing their personal pile of Fruit Loops by color, then counting how many of each color they had,etc. My whole class, all 20 kids, actually sat down one day and separated TWO boxes of Fruit Loops by color, so that we could use them for an art project one day. They LOVED it.
Today we got the oh so yummy Fruit Loops for our afternoon snack. I was in the process of finishing handing them out when behind me I hear one of my kids say "I have 7 Goldfish, 4 blue ones, 1 green one, and 5 red ones." I turn around to look at the girl who had said that. I see on the table that she has organized ALL the contents of her cup not only by color, but by product(they just happened to only have Fruit Loops and Goldfish this time). AND, not only was SHE doing it, but all the other kids that were sitting at the same table as her had started to do it. I turn to my co-teacher and point out what they are doing and I say "I taught them that!!!!" Never before had they done that with their snack. I was SO SO proud. Not only of them, but of myself. I felt good that I had taught them a different way to look at things...and they actually remembered! It's so funny to me that the kids are learning math, and logic, and developing their motor skills, and they have no idea! They just wanna play with food!
Just wanted to share that...have a good weekend everyone!
Oh, p.s. I will be posting a blog on Monday sometime, probably about 2 p.m. my time. PLEASE come back then to read, it's a time sensitive matter!!

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