I LOVE daylight savings time. Like seriously, LOVE it. I hate being cold, I hate winter and having to wear coats all the time and having to wake up early to defrost my car. Yuck. No thanks. So,when daylight savings time rolls around, that means, #1:it's going to be daylight longer (duh), and #2 spring is (hopefully!) right around the corner!!! Except when i woke up this morning..I woke up to this:

What the heck,man?? It's MARCH!! There should be flowers blooming and sun shining and I should be able to go out in a t-shirt and flip flops (who am I kidding, I wear flip flops no matter what the weather)!
Speaking of being cold, and on a kinda gross note, these past 6 or so weeks I've noticed that whenever I go out in the cold whatever part of my body that is exposed will turn red and bumpy and itch. I looked like I had some sort of rash, it was quite gross. So I talked to a few people (cause going to a doctor would have just been TOO easy) who suggested that maybe the itchy bumps were hives, and I should start taking some Benedryl so that doesn't happen every time my body temperature drops a couple degrees. Well, it's been about 3 days and I have definitely gotten cold and have had no hives, so I guess it's working! I did a little research on Google (cause the internet is ALWAYS the best way to find facts)and apparently what I have is an actual condition called Cold Urticaria (which literally means cold hives). It's most common in people ages 18-25 (relatively close to my age, so I guess I qualify) and can last for months or 6 years. Hopefully it's the first one. At least I know it's not for the rest of my life. This whole thing is just totally bizarre to me because I've gone my whole life without being allergic to ANYthing, and now, within the past 4 or 5 years I've become allergic to chapstick and cold weather. I guess nothing I do is ever normal!
Now onto a warmer subject...I'm going on vacation(s)!!! As some of you may recall from a couple blogs back, my friend Sarah from Cali came to visit me and set her hair on fire. Well, at the end of March, I'm going to reciprocate!(except for the lighting my hair on fire part) We have TONS of fun stuff planned... including whale watching, a taping of The Price is Right(!!!!!), Hollywood sightseeing in general (Hollywood Walk of Fame, Kodak Theatre, Manns Chinese Theatre), going to the BEACH, and eating LOTS of delicious food!! I can't wait to be WARM(er, at least)!!!
At the end of April I'll be going to Houston to see my sister, bro in law and nephew for a few days. I'm really excited to spend more than a weekend there. She's lived there for almost 2 years and that's the longest I've ever been able to spend there! My sister will have cheerleading tryouts for the Houston Texans while I'm there, so while she's doing that I'm gonna help take care of the cutest,sweetest little baby in the whole entire world (that's Connor for those of you who didn't catch on). I don't mind that ONE bit!
In other news, I have officially been accepted into Bright Horizons University to start working towards my Child Development Associates Degree. Online classes officially start March 23rd. I'm nervous but excited at the same time, I hope I do well.
That's about it for now, I think. I'm sorry I haven't been blogging as much, I just haven't really thought about it I guess, but I'll try to blog more regularly so these babies aren't so dang long!!
Love you all, talk to you soon!
1 comment:
its my car!! covered in snow!! and i was in AZ! woot
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