I also have a couple of random photos...
this is from halloween of '09. my coworker patty was pregnant and planned to turn her belly into a peppermint...or a Peppermint Patty(clever,right?). well when i heard that i said jokingly to her "...and I'll be and Andes mint!" The next day Patty surprised me with a handmade Andes mint logo necklace for my costume. it was goofy,but a lot of fun to tell people what we were.(i don't tend to get good looking to chase around 3 year olds all day,so please forgive my lack of make up and hair styling)

this last photo i wanna say is circa...'92? i'm about 10 years old. This is of me,my sister,and our cousins Nicci and Travis at our aunt and uncles wedding. Yeah,we had great style,even back then.

in other news, i have something exciting to share...
my sister called last night to inform me that she is pregnant with her second child. it's kind of funny because i told almost everyone i know that i thought my sister would announce she was pregnant when she came to visit for christmas.well that didn't happen. then,a week after christmas,she actually does find out she pregnant! i'm sooooo excited. i realllllly want a niece!! whichever way the gender of the baby goes, i know connor will be a great big brother. the timing with this baby announcement is pretty close to the same time she announced she was pregnant with connor, so i'm assuming baby will be born around the same time, end of septemberish.
i officially start online classes for my CDA in 2 weeks. i'm nervous/excited. i'm nervous because i know it's going to be a lot of hard work, trying to complete that while working,and staying on top of getting lessons plans done. i'm excited because when i was in school, whether it was high school or college,i didn't do well. i REALLY want to do well this time. i know it's going to take a lot of commitment and focus and NOT procrastinating on my part,but i'm up for the challenge.
that reminds me...usually in the new year, i don't make resolutions. i don't really have a reason why,i think maybe because if you want to change something or do something different,or accomplish something,why wait? do it now. but this year i have decided that i want a resolution. this year i resolve to stop talking about doing things, and to actually do them. this could apply to a bagillion different things. instead of talking to a long lost friend and saying "We should get a cup of coffee sometime",both knowing you will never ACTUALLY get that cup of coffee,put forth the effort to really get that coffee. if i decide that i want to learn how to make the most difficult recipe in the history of historical recipes...make it! this resolution came to me after i decided i was tired of wishing i could go to france,and deciding to actually put forth the effort to go. why only apply this to a trip to france,when i could apply it to my whole life?
i think that's enough blogging for tonight. this week has been rough,trying to change my internal body clock back to work time instead of vacation time. it's wearing me out, and i've been exhausted every day at work. i can't believe it's only tuesday. alright,good night!
p.s. while typing this i sauteed some asparagus with some butter,salt and pepper and it was DEVINE. i also wonder if i'm biased because i love the word sauté and think you can say you sauteed worm guts with butter,sat,and pepper and make it sound good. anyway,i digress...
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