in keeping with my theme of the year of "just do it",i put an idea in my head that i wanted to do something...and today, i did it!!
i am very fortunate to live in north tacoma and be within walking distance of many great and beautiful things. the tacoma waterfront,starbucks(haha?), and the stadium bowl at stadium high school,to name a few of my faves. during the summer i took a few walks from my house to the stadium bowl and would always see people running up and down those gross,steep,loooong stairs. i could barely walk up the stairs one time...why the heck would anyone wanna do it MULTIPLE times?? ON PURPOSE????
well,tonight,i decided that I would do it multiple times...on purpose!
after i came home from work i walked to stadium high school(1.3 miles),climbed from the left side of the stairs in that picture alllll the way to the right side of the picture(up+down 5 times) the picture doesn't even do it justice on how steep and long these stairs are. i would be climbing and swear that i was almost to the top...only to see i wasn't even halfway up!!but i pushed through...and did NOT die! even though i swore i was going to. twice. i then walked the mile point three back to my house.
i can't even tell you how proud i am of myself! i even tried to cheat and told myself to cut some of the stairs out...but i knew i would be mad at myself for it when i was done. i have a such a great feeling of accomplishment right now,i feel kinda like superwoman! i can do anything!...except probably not tomorrow. pretty sure i'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow.
i'm so glad that i chose to just DO things instead of talking or thinking about doing them because i LOVE the feeling i get after i'm done. it's such a great natural high...i can't wait to choose my next adventure!!(actually,it's already chosen..you'll just have to wait til feb 12th to hear about it...bwahaha)
that's so great Andi! I've seen those steps, they are long. I can't believe you did that 5 times! I like your "just do it" theme. I feel like I usually live my life like that, but I have definitely been slipping. I have been pushing off what can be done today, til tomorrow. Thanks. I have some phone calls to make today.
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