1.got hot looking
2.went to a restaurant
3.had a drink and appetizers
4.had a 5 minute conversation with 9 different guys.
if your guess was SPEED dating,then you are correct! if your answer wasn't speed dating,then i'm defintely interested what it was you thought i was doing,haha.
stillll continuing on with my theme of experiencing new things this year,i decided i would like to try speed dating. i was going to go with no expectations,just to have fun and maybe make a new friend or two. so,i invited a few co-workers,we picked a date to go,and we went!
there are several speed dating company options in the seattle area, i chose Seattle Speed Dating UK Style just because it seemed really fancy and nice and i'm a fancy and nice kind of girl!(or so i like to think)
it started at 8 and lasted until about 11. basically all of us girls sat at our own table and the guys rotated tables, talking to each one of us for 5 minutes. we all had cards where we wrote the other persons name. at the end of the night all the guys and girls score each other. the people in charge then look for matches and you are emailed within 24 hrs of your potential future lady or man.
the company lost our score cards! which was pretty ok with us i think,because we really just going for fun and for the experience. they did offer us a free night on a date of our choosing...not sure yet if we're gonna take them up on that offer,but at least it's an option!
it was kind of funny that EVERY dude who was there:
1.worked for microsoft(except for 1,he was a honda dealer)
2.had never been speed dating before(i find that highly unlikely,but whatevs)
3.LOVED traveling and had been to all sorts of exotic countries like Bali,India,and Indonisia.
there was a contest in the middle of the "dating" where whoever found a white bear that was hidden in the restaurant got $50...and my coworker found it! lucky,lucky.
alright,finally,PICTURES!(my favorite part!)
Mere,ready for all her dates!

moi,about as ready as i could be:

Mere AND me:

we all picked "characters" we were going to be this night. Estelle was the "dirrty"girl,Schimere was the "token black girl",I was the "girl next door" and Patricia was the "punk/goth/rocker"girl:

Mere and the bear she found!

3/4 of us and some girl we met in the bathroom and dished about all the guys with..turned out she brought 3 of them!:

Stelle and Mere:

I have another new experience next saturday night...can't wait to tell you all about it!
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