my saturday morning started bright and early-830 am sharp! my good(looking) friend/co worker kasey was coming to tacoma to workout with me! we're both total beach bums, and i had just discovered a beach right down the street from where i live(how i took me two years to discover this i have NO IDEA), so once she arrived we promptly headed to owen beach in point defiance to work on our fitness.
there was obviously no elliptical, weights, treadmills or personal trainers on the beach so we made up our own workout routine as we explored.
the first thing we did(our warm-up,if you will) was what i can only describe as knee lift arm thrust things...which kasey very successfully is demonstrating here:

we would make up goofy chants/songs to go along with our movements. which i am successfully demonstrating here:

after a few minutes of that we decided that we should probably work our arms, so that if someone decides to attack us,we could defend ourselves. as i previously mentioned, there are no weights, so we had to improvise. what did we use? ROCKS! (which were "hard", as described by kasey)
kasey,demonstrating one of our rock arm lift moves(kasey, i think we are on to something-we should start our own beach workout class on the weekends!):

those first two routines were fun, but we were looking for something a little more challenging. i suggested we go swimming, but then kas pointed out that there were about 4987987234 jellyfish within a 2 ft radius of the edge of the water.
lots and lots of jellyfish:

luckily, there was a sand dune ahead that had some writing on it that was just BEGGING for us to climb it. so, climb it, we did!(it doesn't look hard at all, but there was literally nothing to grip your feet on to, the sand wasn't packed at all. to get to the top i had to find things to grab and pull myself up)
on my way to the top...

almost there...

yea, i made it!! i then had to slide down the loose sand.

all that climbing made us a tad bit tired. what do you do when you're on the beach and wore out? build a fort, of course!
slaving away,putting on the finishing touches:

c'est fini!

now, kasey can go inside and meditate:

11 hours later, she was fresh and ready to finish our adventure!

we started to head back to civilization and saw a few neat-o things along the way:
the biggest starfish to ever exist in the whole entire universe of starfish ever:

a pretty view of the tacoma narrows bridge:

and washed ashore jellyfish:

highlights of the rest of day include:
*receiving terrible service/food from a corner restaurant that i'd always wanted to go to. my bagel had more cream cheese than bagel, and the waitress who helped us pronounced tomato like to-MAH-to. and not in a cute way. in a condescending "i'm walking around using a fake british accent so that i feel superior to you" kind of way. when i told her i had asked for no toMAYto on my bagel she informed me that she would (imagine this in a terrible fake british accent)"rectify the situation immediately". really,who talks like that besides queens from mid-evil times? gimme a break.
*stopping at the taste of tacoma and visually eating food from every booth we walked by.
*bargaining with a mexican man selling fruit on the corner of 30th and orchard to sell us his $12 dollar strawberries for $10.(that's safe,right?)
*meeting the nesquick bunny
*searching for kasey's dream house-then finding it
*searching for the 10 things i hate about you house-and finding it
*fresh baked peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie from previously mentioned terrible restaurant
and last,but certainly not least, a few straggler pictures from our afternoon(i know they're your favorite part):
beautiful rose garden at the taste of tacoma:

random deer and peacock, just chillin outside the zoo:

i was SO excited to see a cupcake booth at the taste...however i was a tad disappointed to see these were not edible cupcakes, they were cupcake bath bombs. not as tasty, but just as cute:

i haven't blogged in almost 2 weeks, which is a super long time for me...which means i have a lot of posts built up inside of me! this week, look for an explosion of posts coming your way (and by explosion, i mean, maybe 3 more, haha)
talk to you all soon!! <3
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