i don't want to bore you with every single detail of the tryout details, but basically you fill out a form and sit in an audience/gameshow setting. on stage there is the traveling host(marty),and the traveling vanna(heidi). heidi draws 5 names at a time from this big tumbling container thing. these five people get to come on stage and talk about themselves for about a minute. they then play a speed round of wheel of fortune where everyone picks a letter and gets to guess the puzzle.
this process repeated for about an hour, allowing about 25 people the chance to come on stage. this goes on for 2 more rounds,the exact same way. getting on stage doesn't guarantee you get on the show, solving the puzzle doesn't guarantee you get on the show. it's all basically a who has the best/biggest personality contest,or who has the "it" factor. which completely makes sense, that's what makes good television.
unfortunately, my name was not drawn either of the two days. however, they take all the entries back to l.a., sift through them, then a select few will be emailed and be asked to come to the final auditions in seattle in 3 months...so hopefully i will be chosen for that!
in general the whole thing was pretty entertaining. i like learning about people and what makes people unique,so i enjoyed hearing the prospective contestants talk about themselves.
the best part and probably funniest moment of my LIFE was when a lady(let's call her jill) who was about in her late 40's was called up stage and was talking to the host about herself. she seemed a little...off. considering we were in a casino, it wasn't uncommon for a few audience members to be drunk, and i suspected she was. anyway, whenever someone mentioned they enjoyed karaoke-ing or dancing of COURSE the host made them sing/dance on stage. this particular woman just happened to mention she loved to dance. some music was turned on and jill started shaking her tailfeather as hard as she could. now jill was wearing a dress with two layers. the top layer was this black mesh type material, while underneath was a cream slip. while she danced the slip kept riding further and further up her body. at one point i turned to heidi, my roommate and said "do you think she's wearing underwear???". 30 seconds later, we got our answer. she was. and it was green. she completed her dancing and walked to the other side of the stage and stood next to the other contestants while the host called someone else up to talk about themselves. it was a good 2 minutes or so before anyone mentioned that her underwear was fully exposed. luckily she just pulled her dress down and laughed it off. i was literally in TEARS i was laughing so hard. that's the kind of thing you only see in movies! most definitely the highlight of the auditions for me.
and nowwwww, the best part...pictures! (i would never deny you)
(disclaimer:while my camera phone is excelente in well lit situations, the showroom was very dimly lit,therefore some of my pictures didn't come out too well)
as you can see, i was a tad bit excited to be filling out my time off request and said i was auditioning for "wheel of future":

everything looked sooooo offical! it got me really excited!

one of my many applications(i found a sticker option on photobucket and was a little fascinated by all the options,therefore i may have covered up a little more personal info than was necessary):

marty,the host, talking to a contestant:

my view of the stage:

full view of the stage:

traveling vanna/heidi getting ready for the next round of letter guessing:

there was a cardboard cutout of vanna white, and i, never one to pass up a great photo op, tried to see if i could pose as well as her. i think i did a comparable job...
vanna doing what she does:

the next vanna white?:

vanna is gonna have to retire SOMEtime, so if anyone from wheel sees this, you have my contact information...
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