my dad.
tomorrow is my dad's 50th birthday. he's leaving for houston tomorrow so i got to celebrate his birthday with him today. this was a totally special treat for me. i cannot remember the last time me and my dad went out to dinner, just the two of us. it's been YEARS, at least. we talked about everything under the sun from our current favorite beers, whether or not "lesser" is an actual word (according to websters online dictionary, it is. score one point for ME!), to life in general. it was the best.
i can't pinpoint one thing that makes my dad my favorite. we are opposite in almost every way. he's the WoW playing, syfy channel watching, church going conservative republican (is conservative republican redundant??anyway...). i am...not. but i can talk to him about almost anything without feeling judged or looked down on. he's always there for me when i need him, which is one of, if not THE most important thing to me. even when i would be angry at him because i didn't think he understood what i needed/wanted and thought he was turning his back on me, i see now he only did what he did in order to help make me a stronger, more independent person. sneaky, sneaky how parents teach you those lessons and you don't even notice until years later. they have no doubt helped shaped me into the person i am today, who i think is a pretty decent,well-adjusted adult. but i'm a little biased.
so, to my dad i just wanted to say thank you for all those sneaky lessons. you are the best dad a girl could ever ask for. happy birthday/father's day!!
(dad and i out for his bday dinner at famous daves)

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