Wednesday, February 16, 2011


i'm calling this my gumbo post just because it's going to be a few random things i wanted to share:

so probably my biggest thing is that i am now the proud owner of a laptop for the first time EVER. i've posted this on pretty much every social networking site i'm on so i'm clearly over the top super duper ridiculous over the moon about this. for the past eight years i've been using a desktop by dad built for me my first year of college(which is really a testament to how well he built it-it lasted eight years!). it's still technically functional, it's just sooooooo sloooooooooooooow. i'm enrolled in an online university that requires me to view multipage adobe documents that my desktop just could not open. since i need to be able to do my homework, and my time with my beloved computer had ran it's course, i decided to treat myself to a little upgrade. it's nothing fancy. it's a middle of the line toshiba something or other. but it can open (multiple!)programs in under ten minutes, it doesn't constantly disconnect from the internet, need to be restarted, or randomly restart itself, and, most importantly, it can open my multipage adobe documents with the greatest of favorite part,though is probably the sweet bag i got for it. it looks more like a big purse instead of a bag and it holds anything i could ever need and will be wonderful on trips. i am a happy girl.

did you guys watch the grammys?? i wasn't able to, but i saw some great performances online! i think i've mentioned before how much i love bruno mars. like, LOVE. he could sing the nutrition contents on the side of a box of cereal and my heart would melt all over the floor. and it's because he does performances this this:

(feel free to skip ahead to about the 2:10 mark)

another great performance i saw was the cee lo green/gwenyth paltrow verson of "forget you". i have no radio in my life so this was actually my first time hearing this song. it was love at first listen, i can't get it out of my head!

in other music news, this is a beautiful and sad song that i have fallen in love with and am completely devastated i can't find it on itunes. i neeed this on my ipod!:

speaking of ipods-i've purchased the 4th generation ipod touch. i didn't think it was going to make a huge difference in my life since i've had the 2nd generation ipod touch for a couple of years now. but holy. crap. WHAT a difference! not only is the screen clarity like 239872% better, but just the added video/camera option alone is enough to keep me entertained for days.

oh yeah, as a warning-now that i have all these cool electronic new toys that include webcams, video, and cameras-you will definitely be seeing more posts from me and most likely more vlogs too. i think the only people that will appreciate the vlog uppage is my grandparents haha

random question: is there anyone that can explain to me the purpose of apple only allowing five computer authorizations per account?? i might be in trouble-my new comp was my fifth authorization, and i have no clue where the other four are.

i leave you know with some pictures of two kids i randomly found on the internet:

random beautiful baby girl(outfit provided by some random aunt of hers)

random baby girl with random growth on her forehead:

random handsome little boy playing in his new backyard:

sweet little random baby feet:

alright loveys, enough blogcitement for tonight. time for me to sleep and hopefully NOT wake up at 4 am...wish me luck!

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