Sunday, February 20, 2011

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

in general, i avoid talking about personal matters on here, but something happened to me recently in my dating life that really got under my skin. i don't like the fact that this is still bugging me, so i'm hoping that writing about it will help get it out of my system...

so i had gone out with this guy,"brad" a few times. let me tell you a little bit about brad. he was a super sweet guy but he was very materialistic. he wouldn't think twice to drop $500 on two t-shirts or the same amount on a bottle of vodka. one day brad gets wasted off his ass and declares to me(and this is a direct quote)"i can't be with a teacher." as in, teachers don't make enough money for his liking.


i ask him about it the next day and he apologizes and says that profession doesn't matter, but i was done. the second he said those words i had lost every ounce of respect for him. for that thought to even enter his head, let alone say it out loud, there had to be some merit of truth to it. peace out brad.

i've worked a lot of jobs in different industries. i did retail for a while, food, and eventually ended up in childcare. when i got hired as a preschool teacher for the first time in my life i was proud to say what i do as a profession. i'm a teacher. i help mold young minds and teach them basic essentials to life that they will remember and use for the rest of their life. how exactly are you changing the world doing math problems and sitting in your cubicle for 8 hours a day? what right do you have to degrade me and judge me based on the fact i'm a teacher,like it's a bad thing?? i don't judge you because you are so wasteful with your money. did you teach yourself how to add and subtract? negative.

i just also have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that someone could be that superficial. you make enough money for the both of us and a small army, why does it matter to you how much i make? i do alright. i'm able to pay rent and bills and life's necessities. i can go on trips and buy things i want. i have clothes that i can lounge around the house in as well as clothes that could be worn at a five star restaurant. why does it matter how much they cost? if my paycheck doesn't bug me, it sure as hell shouldn't bug you.

disbelief is a good word for how i feel about this whole situation i guess. congrats, brad, you are the biggest douchebag i've ever met. next time you cash your paycheck, thank a teacher.

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