So, little tiny update, finished up week 3 at the new job and i still love it! I mentioned this before, but i have my first week of where i pick the curriculum i'm teaching the kids next's occupations...Mon-Fri they're gonna learn about the letter j(for jobs!),being a doctor, dentist(a dentist is coming in to talk to the kids),a chef(we're making chex mix!),a teacher (kids are gonna be teacher helpers throughout the day), and i think a singer, where i'll have the kids make microphones or something...i'm really excited to see how everything turns out...
OK! so now details on my free Plain White T's show! It was last Tuesday and i went with my new co-worker/friend Suzanne. The show was in Everett so we both got off work early and she drove us to Everett(which i'm so greatful for!). We ended up getting there pretty early so we went across the street to a bar and ate/drank some super expensive food/drinks!

The day before the show i had read a bulletin on myspace about a meet and greet with the plain white t's at 630. of course i'd never pass up an opportunity to meet one of my favorite bands! so me and Suzanne waited about 3 minutes in line to meet the Plain White T's!! They signed promo posters and took a couple pics with us. The line wasn't too long...and we wanted more pics,so we went through line again!

(i totally want to marry the dude in the stripes...pretty sure he wanted to marry me too)
The show itself was pretty good. The first band was called The Cab and they weren't terrible, i'd listen to more of their tunes...PWT's were also an opener,so they played for only a half hr,but they packed a bunch of my favorites in! their new single 1,2,3,4, Our Time Now, Hate(I really don't like you)(!!!!!), and, of course, Hey There Delilah. Loved every minute of it. Dashboard Confessional was next, I'm not a huge fan, but I didn't totally tune them out, and the last band of the night was Panic At the Disco. I'm realllllly not a fan of these dudes so i was a little bored. But, whatever, it was free! Here's a view from our seats:

I got home that night at about 11 and was totally tired the next morning, but for a free night out I had SO much fun!
MxPx is playing at Key Arena which isn't too far from my apt on Nov 1st. Can't WAIT!