Lemme tell ya, things have been going preeeetty good for me lately. It seems ever since i quit my job at Boys and Girls Club things have been going up up uuuuup! I got a nephew, i LOVE my new job, and now..i've had the luckiest 24 hrs ever...
Yesterday I went to Federal Way to get my hair colored by Future Stylist to the Stars,Tiffany. After my appt i was a tad bit hungry and had a long drive home, so i stopped at a local McDonalds. The drive through line was long so i went inside. While inside, the rudest McDonalds order taker that ever existed took my order. I won't go into detail, but let's just say i wanted to punch her in the face when my transaction was done. Anyway, so i handed her a $20 to pay for my meal. As i turned and walked away after she gave me change i noticed i had exactly $22 in my hand. Dumb rude girl had given me a 10 instead of a 5 with my change. Now, on normal circumstances, i would have pointed out the mistake. But since I had to deal with Rudy McRuderson i figured this was Gods way of rewarding me for being the most amazing customer ever.
So I'm driving home and I'm listening to the radio, KISS 106.1 to be exact. I hear something about a "grab bag of tickets" and being caller 106. Of course, being the compulsive radio contest caller-inner i just had to call in...and i WON! I got to choose between qualifying for a couple of trips, tix to the Rock Band tour(Dashboard Confessional, Panic! At the Disco, and Plain White T's), Secondhand Serenade, or Frightfest tix. Realistically, i was secretly hoping they had NKOTB tix available...but since that wasn't an option i chose the Rock Band tour cause i loooooooove PWT's!!! YEA me!!
THEN! today i go into work and one of the head honchos, Darline, is talking to the other teachers in my classroom(there's 4 others, total)about me, and asking what they thought about me and my place in the classroom. Well, apparetly they all LOVE me and she said she'd heard the kids talking about how much they love me, so i was officially offered the Lead Teaching Position for the preschool!!! This makes me sooOOoooo extremely happy! All us teachers get along so well, the girls are so nice and welcoming, and willing to help me learn how to do my job correctly. Our curriculum is based off of the kids and thier interests and i already have SO many ideas on what to teach the kids!!
Well, that's my latest batch of good news. Hopefully I'll have a lot more to come soon!!
6 years ago
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