to say my weekend was good is a huge understatement. it was so great in so many ways,and it was just the right amount of busy. i had plenty of stuff to do,with plenty of time in between events to catch my breath. it was full of new experiences and good times with good friends. sooooo instead of keeping you in suspense(i know you're on the edge of your seat just DYING to find out what the heck it was i did!) lemme tell you about my weekend!(pictures included,of course)(WARNING:there is a LOT of food in this post. so if you hate food,stop reading RIGHT NOW!)
Friday night I met my goooood(looking) friend Ashley in Ballard. I really like going up there because it's so different from Tacoma, it's kind of like going on a mini vaca. I,unfortunately did have ulterior motives than just seeing Ash. Do you remember the burger place that i went to at the pub crawl around Christmas time? i have not stopped thinking about it and wanted to find it again and eat there for dinner! after a bit of searching...i found it!!! it's called Zayda Buddys and i'm SO serious when i tell you to go there and eat their burger!!! it's basically the best thing i've ever put in my mouth. ever. anyway,so after me and ash ate there we went to go meet up with some friends. it was basically a wild goose chase because they said they would be at one place,but by the time we arrived there,they'd be at a different one. FINALLY, one hour and 3 bars later,we found them! Zayda Buddys! apparently they had the same idea we did,just a little later.ashley and i ended the night falling asleep to The Big Labowski while eating lavender flavored popcorn(this sounds weird,i know. but trust me,it's delish!)
The next morning we went out for breakfast! we went to this place in fremont called Roxy's Diner where their motto is "you can't beat our meat". traditionally,when i go out for breakfast i get some variation of bacon,eggs,and pancakes/french toast. but since i was in a new place,and determined to experience new things,i got brave and decided to try their matzoh brie. i'm still not totally sure what it was...but it was good! i can't really describe how it tastes,and i probably wouldn't order it again,but at least now i can say i tried it! ash had a monte cristo,which was a french toast sandwich of some sort. short story long,if you're in the fremont area,i recommend Roxy's!
p.s. all the restaurant reviews i do in my blogging makes me thing i should become a professional restaurant reviewer,haha. why not get paid for something i do anyway??

my matzoh brie

ashley's monte cristo

a few weeks ago some coworkers invited me to go to Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn. i had never been there and after hearing we could go dancing there too,i jumped at the chance to go! we met up at this asian restaurant inside the casino and proceeded to have the WORST waitress ever in the whole entire history of waitressing. i had been there a whole half hour before she even took my drink order,which was a mango mai tai(this is important for you to remember). 15 minutes later she comes back for some reason and i ask about me and my friends drinks. she tells me the bartender is on break and the person breaking him doesn't know what to do......ooook?? 15 minutes after THAT she brings my friends drink then tells me they are out of mango vodka,and actually have been for 2 weeks now. Uh,what??? it took you a half hour to find out something you should have already known?? needless to say,i was not a happy camper and was getting pissed that she was ruining what was supposed to be a great evening! add the fact that she tried to not give me all my change at the end of the night and her tip went from almost non existent to zero. worst. ever.
after that the night was pretty awesome,though. we basically just spent the rest of the night dancing like maniacs. it was SO fun,i can't even remember the last time i went dancing! and i love to dance! i didn't even gamble,that's how involved i was,haha. the only thing i would really change is that i'm planning on investing in a fake wedding band to deter all the grimy guys that are at that casino. my friend kasey has a real one and it worked great for her! i'm hoping we make this a semi regular thing because i can't wait to do it again!
the cool light that hung above us at the asian restaurant:

i am a professional rice picker uppper using chopsticks:

oh hey,'s me!

theresa and kasey,the winos of the night

theresa said from across the table i looked like i was in a jungle

kasey's part asain?

this was the really cool rattail that was attached to the lady sitting at the table in front of us

this is me really angry that our waitress sucked

i couldn't get my mango mai tai so i decided on drinking chardonnay straight out of the bottle. i reek of class.(juuuuuuust kidding. i used a glass,i swear)

after dinner me and kasey....

took a lot...

of pictures together...

i'm not even kidding...

this is probably...

only half.

one semi group shot before we go!

today,sunday,my roommate heidi played in a benefit show for haiti at The Swiss in tacoma. she didn't play very long but she did well! you should listen to some of her songs here. my personal favorites are the hangover song and prince charming.
a terrible quality picture of lindsey,ashley and me at heidis show

heidi on stage performing

to finish off my weekend i am consuming a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup from safeway(which is DEVINE when paired with saltine crackers). reading for my online classes will be done later as well. which,btw,that is going well! i accidentally got ahead with the online part(the course is half online/half classroom experiences)but that can never be a bad thing. oh,and laundry. i need to do that too. i work at 645 tomorrow instead of 830 because i have a doctors appt for my lumps. eek,kinda nervous. wish me luck!
p.s. i have recently discovered Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches and i am completely and totally in love. i don't feel this way about many foods. probably only chicken teriyaki,pizza, and coffee,so you know this is serious business. if there's one near you,or even if there isn't you need to go!
p.p.s. random picture of the day:we have about a million pots in a variety of sizes in our cupboards. i walked into the kitchen today and found heidi boiling one little egg in this huge ass pot and found it funny. maybe you had to be there? oh well.

1 comment:
wow. you did have a great weekend! it was fun to see all the pix. you should put them on facebook too! nice jimmy johns shout out! the egg is hilarious. random and funny.
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