and this:

are new permanent fixtures in my house. There's not even a good story as to why they are there. They just,are. Cool.
A feeling of nostalgia has come over me. Not really reminiscing about the past,but more appreciating things from my past that i still currently have. Specifically,my friends. Soooo many people come and go out of your life. This applies to everyone. There are some you think will be there forever who are gone in a flash,and those who you may only consider acquaintances who are there for you 20 years down the road. I can't even put into words how it boggles my mind when i think about when and where certain people have been placed in my life, and where we are today.
My 2 oldest friends are Megan and Dusty. We've all known each other for about ten years now. Me and Megan were in the super cool high school youth group at church and Dusty was a measly jr.higher. What's bizarre to me is how I am still friends with these girls after all this time. There are girls that I was MUCH better friends with at the time that I haven't talked to or seen in probably 8 years. How these girls remained in my life I have NO clue,but am forever grateful. So,to those 2 girls, i say Thank You! for being such amazing,constant friends these past 10 years!
Dusty <3

Megs <3
(there are no pictures either current or past that i can find of me and megan,but we will be seeing each other shortly and believe me,the current picture situation WILL change)
Now,let me tell you about Amanda Blair aka Bee Elle. I've known her for about 3.5 years now and have no problem calling her one of my best friends. We met when we were both devoted Targeteers. She is super smart and can always find humor in any situation. When I am feeling like crap and need someone to make me smile(which is usually my job,to make other people smile) she's my go-to girl. When my best friend of 7.5 years decided to bail out on me,forever,she was there. When I got fired from Hallmark,she was the first person I called,in tears(even though I hated that effing job). Break-ups,make-ups, and everything in between,she's SO there. When I need a buddy to ride the rides with me at the Puyallup Fair,she is there. We always have so much fun together,no matter what. I love everything about this girl,we have so much in common,and basically EVERYthing we do together is an adventure. One of our favorite things is to go to Forza coffee shop in Puyallup,drink peppermint mochas in "for here" cups and play Phase 10 while making fun of the high school kids that come in with their new latest "trends". Another thing we do is the Puyallup Fair. This event could happen once,twice,maybe even 3 times in a year. And each time we find something new we'd never seen/done before. There's a pizza place in Olympia called Old School that we would not hesitate to drop everything one Sunday afternoon to drive a half hour,just for one slice of their amazing pizza. This also applies to unlimited soup,salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden. Rihanna's "Umbrella" is our anthem. We both know most of the words to many Spice Girls songs. Literally EVERY time we do something together people ask us if we're sisters which is funny because me and my ACTUAL sister look nothing alike.I could go on and on and ooooon about this amazing friend of mine, but I'm pretty sure most of the funny stuff I could mention is only funny to us. So I will spare you the details. bee elle, I heart your gusts and thank you for everything! Here is a little photo tribute to the adventures of 2/3rds of the A-Team:
we never miss a photo op:

I'm in an amanda sandwich! (amanda "tut",me,amanda "bee elle")

on one of our random trips to Old School Pizzaria

Doing the Puyallup (and doing it well)

we like telling secrets

it snows INSIDE one of the shopping centers in Seattle!

you can stand under my umbrella

If you are not listed in this blog,it's not that I don't love you or consider you a dear friend, or that you mean less to me than these people, I could spend years writing about all the amazing people in my life. However,it is currently midnight and I have to work early in the morning. But keep on reading,you never know,maybe in the future one of my blogs could be about you. :)
1 comment:
WTF? I am NOT in this blog? hhaha...kidding.
You're lucky to have such great friends! It's nice to have someone you can tell anything and everything to.
I'm super blessed in that area too...I have really really great friends, I don't know what I'd do without them!
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