I'm a pretty patient person. One thing I just have NO patience for,however, is stupid people. I'm not talking about the person who never gets any questions right on Jeopardy stupid. I'm talking about the people who could potentially be smart,they just choose to not apply common sense to their life so,therefore,make stupid decisions. I know I'm not THE brightest crayon in the box..but at least I TRY. These people,for whatever reason,gave up a looooong time ago.
My rant begins earlier this week. We have a group of preschoolers that are moving up to PreK in 2 weeks. Each preschooler has their own individual portfolio that I literally spend hours on. It's quite extensive. I've been trying to complete one a week. Our bookshelf is where I have been doing a lot of my work recently.
Fast forward to today. Thursdays are always my planning days. I work on my lesson plan and any other work I need to get done. Today especially I wanted to finish my lesson plan early so I could finish the portfolio I am working on this week. I race through my plan,with plenty of time leftover. SO excited. I go to get the portfolio....and it's GONE. Not only is the portfolio gone,but the folder that had all the child's artwork in it is missing as well. I know there's no way I could have misplaced it,since I never move it,but I look around anyway.
Then,it dawns on me. It was taken home by the child's mother.
I understand that people make mistakes, and if it had been any other parent I would have just let it slide...but let me tell you about this particular mom...
This child's mom is one of the previously mentioned stupid people. I don't know if she is just pretending because she thinks it's cute or what,but it's not. It's irritating. Who does that? Just takes stuff from your kids classroom? Now I'm pissed because her dumbassness has caused me to be behind on my portfolios so I will most likely have to take it home over the weekend to finish,which I don't get paid for,which I was desperately trying to avoid. Pretty sure we've never just left stuff lying around for you to take. Pretty sure when we want you to take something home we put it in your parent folder or your kids cubby. I guess now I'm gonna have to go around my class labeling everything with "PLEASE DO NOT TAKE". This is the same mom who made us stall her kids birthday party for a half hour cause she was running late. I figured she was leaving from work or something. Nope,she was shopping at the mall. Her priorities are clearly in check. This is also the same lady who brings her kid to school sick,informs my co-teacher the kid is sick,only to have to pick him up an hour later cause,well,your kid is sick!
I'm thanking sweet baby jesus her child is moving to PreK in 6 days not because I don't like the kid,I ADORE the kid,it's the mom I can't handle.
End rant.
6 years ago
nice rant. I miss working in a preschool SOO much sometimes...but I definitely don't miss dealing with parents like that. The kind of parents who apparently think their child is the ONLY child in the class. Ditzy dumb, acting dumb...whatever her case it, she needs go get it together...otherwise that kid's going to be hurting when he gets to the real world.
I hope your blog is still private! Don't let her see this!!
Ditzy dumb = Ditzy, dumb
whatever her case it = whatever her case is...
ugh, it's early and I've only had one cup of coffee
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