my birthday celebration kicked off on wednesday when i went to dinner with my parents(an annual tradition). i very rarely crave steak,but that night i was CRAVING steak. i was also craving italian (i blame the commercials for olive gardens steak gorgonzola alfredo. have you seen it? it looks DEVINE). i can go to olive garden any day of the week, so i chose to eat dinner at Toscanos Cafe&Wine Bar in puyallup. this was the description of the meal i ordered:
Steak Medallions with Brandy & Mushrooms- Medallions of tenderloin, roasted shallots and mushrooms are sauteed in brandy; then finished with a touch of cream. Served with parmesan mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables
sounds crazy delicious,right?? it was! top that off with a dirty martini and i was in HEAVEN. after dinner we went back to my parents house where my dad and i rocked hard playing guitar hero. the evening was finished off with a fantastical homemade peanut butter pie w/ chocolate coated graham cracker crust.
yesterday was the official 28th anniversary of my birth. usually i don't plan things for myself for my birthday. i like to keep it low key. but this year i REALLY wanted to have a special get together of my friends and i and i wasn't about to wait to see if someone planned something because if i ended up doing nothing i would have been way disappointed. so i took the initiative and planned my own celebration!
first order of business was to decide WHERE to have my party. i didn't want it at some dive, i wanted me and my friends to get dressed up and get all good looking and dance the night away. i've been to The Parlor in bellevue a few times and i realllllly liked it. it was also a great location for my friends who mostly all live north of me,so i figured that would be the perfect place!
now,when you're a girl, getting good looking for a special occasion takes LOTS of time. i obviously had to take the WHOLE day off of work so i could look as delicious as possible. luckily,my friend katie agreed to take the day off as well so she could get good looking with me! we did have to go in for about a half hour in the morning. i reached the door to my classroom and was greeted with this sign:
not sure why my face is on a birthday cake i received last year,haha:

and these cupcakes!(thanks again,melissa and kasey!):

after we were officially cleared to leave for the rest of the day me and katie headed out.
first stop: starbucks. this is how it went down-
*katie and andi walk into starbucks.katie is wearing a seattle sounders jersey*
cute barista dude wearing mariners jersey,to katie:"NICE jersey!"
cute barista dude,to me:"where's your jersey?"
me:"it's my birthday."
cute barista dude: "it IS?? we give free drinks on birthdays!"
we headed promptly to the southcenter mall to find dresses and get katie's hair did. it was at this mall i made my first birthday present to myself. i have been looking for a nice clutch purse for about a year now,to no avail. we walked into the coach store,just to look around...and i ended up actually buying my very first(and probably last,haha)coach item!i thought "hell,why not?it's my birthday. happy birthday to me!" while i was waiting for katie to get beautified i walked to one of the 2498 starbucks in the mall to try to score another free coffee-no such luck.
behold,my new coach clutch:

my favorite part is the pretty purple inside!:

by the time katie was done getting her hair did it was time to meet my most lovely friend amanda at red robin in puyallup for a birthday lunch! amanda,being the wonderful friend that she is,promptly told the waitress it was my birthday. i, feeling i am too old to be sung to at restaurants, promptly groaned. when the red robin crew arrived with my birthday sundae and balloons i asked them to not sing to me,but i felt bad for them coming all the way to our table,so they sang to katie instead. happy birthday,katie!
after lunch we had to dash to the south hill mall and find accessories for our outfits. luckily,claire's, a 12 year olds dream jewelry store, had every accessory necessary for our fashion needs. it was also in this store me and katie had this conversation:
[it should be mentioned here that the most expensive piece of jewelry in claire's is probably $17.99]
*andi,amanda and katie are browsing the racks,looking at necklaces and rings*
*katie spots a necklace she really likes*
andi:"um,katie, you're in claire's."
[note to katie's future husband. don't bother saving up 3 months of pay for katie's engagement ring. get a ring from claire's for $14.99 and you are SET]
by the time we got all accessorized it was time for ME to get my hair did. so we said goodbye to amanda and headed to see my hairdresser, dannielle. a half hour later...tada! c'est fini!

up next: nail salon for pedicures and macy's for make-up. nice to be pampered.
by the time we were done with those it was almost 6 o'clock and time to head back to renton to get katie's kids from their preschool. we then put on our newly purchased dresses,shoes,accessories,touched up our hair and headed out the door.
the rest of the night was pretty awesome. unfortunately no one brought a camera, and once someone finally did arrive that had a camera it was near the end of the night,so there's very few pictures. however,everything turned out exactly how i wanted. i had fun and appreciate every single person who came out for my birthday,it really meant a lot to me. soooo stoked to start planning my next birthday celebration-off to paris when i'm 30!
my girls: sara,moi,kasey,katie,sarah,pattie,jasmine <3

Awww!!!!!! i m sorry i didnt wish you late wish Happy Buddy
Things are really nice specially your hairs and you are looking so pretty :)
hi, thanks for reading! sorry I had to deny your facebook request, I only add people I actually know.:)
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