my favorite week of the WHOLE YEAR is most definitely teacher appreciation week,aka teacher christmas. it is during this week that the leadership team at my center plans all kinds of games and contests and special treats for us teachers. our wonderful families also show their appreciation by bringing gifts such as gift cards,chocolate,flowers,etc.
this years theme of the week was "game shows". our center is separated into 3 wings,A,B and C wings,each wing is separated into suites,and each suite is separated into classrooms. during the week a representative from each suite would meet at a certain area at a specified time and compete in these "game shows". the winning suite then gets to take home a basket full of goodies.
monday was "minute to win it" . our suite made it to the finals,but did not win the whole enchilada.
tuesday was family feud. the questions were based on a survey all us employees had filled out the previous week. we ended up winning this one! we got a basket full of board games (i took home yahtzee and apples to apples.who wants to play me??)
wednesday was jeopardy. i was the only representative from our suite that went through all the rounds and i ended up winning the whooooooole thing!! i KNEW those hours of jeopardy/wheel of fortune watching would come in handy! our suite won a basket of movies (pretty woman, just like heaven, and the wizard of oz for me! not tooo shabby!)
thursday's game (and my most favorite!) was iron chef. each suite was given a clue. each clue led to a food item. we were to combine all the food items and create something that relates to the theme "childcare". our items were: 2 small cakes one big,one smaller,a bag of misc candies, a can of white frosting,food coloring,sprinkles and spatulas. if guessed we were decorating a cake,you are right! now,i've seen quite a few episodes of "ace of cakes", so i consider myself mildly knowledgeable in cake decorating. my knowledge was combined with my coworker patties knowledge gained from watching "cake boss",along with ideas from other coworkers,and me and pattie got to decorating our childcare themed cake.
the whole company i work for is based around "h.e.a.r.t" principles. we decided to incorporate that into our cake. we thought it would be awesome to tier the cakes,us teachers decorating the top,then let the kids go nuts with the candy we had and decorate the bottom. i think we surprised even ourselves with how well our cake turned out:
(we colored the icing ourselves,then bordered the edge with candies. i did the h.e.a.r.t. lettering and the shape of the heart,pattie made the rainbow inside the heart)

you couldn't really see the bottom of the cake when after we tiered it,but it was a rainbow made of icing with candy random scattered on it.
our tiered cake:(we could only use the materials given to us,so the top layer is balanced on food coloring containers and smooshed together hershey kisses.the bottom layer looks like a mess here,but it was actually really pretty. and yes,it's crooked,but considering what it's balanced on we figured the judges wouldn't mind too much)

a kinda sorta view of the other cakes:

in the end we didn't win the prize,prek did(the tall white cake to the left of ours in the bottom pic). but it was still a BLAST to decorate,whoever thought of that idea is brilliant!
honorable mention went to the 2 year old suite for their sense of humor:

friday,the last day of teacher appreciation week,and definitely the saddest day was some kind of eating contest that we didn't even get close to placing in,but we were so happy with our accomplishments as a suite earlier in the week it was ooook!
super special thanks goes out to our leadership team for all the amazing things they did this week in order to make sure we felt special, and super DUPER special thanks to my wonderful coworkers-you guys are the best!can't wait to see what is in store for next year!
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