anyway,the purpose of this post isn't to reflect back-that was then,this is now. i just found my senior prom photo on my computer the other day and thought that this was a good time as any to bring it out of hiding.
i present to,almost exactly 10 years ago:

that's me and mike,my date. i knew mike because we attended the same church. i was feeling super cool because, while most of my peers were going with people they knew from our class, i was attending prom with an "older" one whole year. i had had a massive crush on this poor kid for a couple of years, probably. we went to different high schools,plus he had already graduated,so if i wanted him to come to prom with me,i was gonna have to do the asking. if i remember correctly i sent him an email one day during my lunch period at school...and he replied with "yes"(obviously) via my parents answering machine a couple of days later.
i was so excited the day of prom. not being a prom kind of gal, it was the ONLY one i went to my whole high school career. this day was the first time i got my hair professionally done, my nails done, and (this shows you how cosmetically retarded i was)my sister,who is 4 years younger than me did my make up.
mike could drive,but he didn't have a car so my dad rented us a car and off we went to black angus for dinner. after dinner it was time to head to the dance! it was held at union station in seattle. finding the dance pretty lame we left after about an hour or so and headed to gameworks . everyone in there looked at us weird because we were in our fancy clothes,but we didn't care, we had a blast. we basically shut the place down,and by then it was time for me to head home. i remember stopping for ice cream at a gas station about a mile from my house, then eating it in the car right before getting dropped off. i didn't get home until about 3 am that night,which i felt on top of the world about, pretty sure that was the latest i'd stayed out EVER. i have a keepsake box somewhere that is filled with the directions we used to get to union station, my coursage, and the hundreds of bobby pins that was used to pin up my hair.
it's cool to sometimes think back about these things -but i definitely wouldn't want to relive them,that's for sure! i have a few friends and relatives graduating from college and high school this i just wanted to say congrats!! i wonder where they'll be in ten years...
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