Current mood: grateful
As most of you know, last Monday, April 30th, I celebrated 25 years of me existing on this planet that we call Earth. Now, usually joe shmos like me take that one day and celebrate with friends, family, or both. I was fortunate enough to have several amazing events presented to me during this week that was the week of my birth. So, therefore, I jumped at the chance to not only have ONE day of birthday celebration, but a WHOLE WEEK!! Here is my story presented to you...enjoy
The whole celebration started on Friday, April 27th. Me, Ashley, Esteban, and Ashley's rad mom went out for some drinks at a couple bars. The last bar we ended up at was called...Firwood? or something?? I don't really remember...I do remember a lot of dancing and a couple of Lemon Drop shots...mmmm yummy!
ok here's me and Ashley looking like, way cute at that one bar I can't remember that name of (check out Esteban in the background pretending he's not wishing he was in the middle of this picture):

On Saturday, April 28th my birthday festivities continued in Seattle w/ my friend Jen Shit...I mean Chitwood. She treated me to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory which was sooooOOOOOooooo good, as always. I had the Crusted Chicken Romano, HIGHLY recommended.
I LOVE the free bread they give us!!

At the beginning of the meal we had been given a full bottle of the end of the meal Jen had literally inhaled half the bottle (mmmmm would you like some fries w/ your ketchup??)

After dinner at the Cheesecake Factory we proceeded to drive around Seattle for about 4 days looking for a parking spot near the Showbox, where we would be attending a show.
The show we attended was FAIR, Aaron Sprinkles band(who produces pretty much every album that ever comes out on Tooth and Nail Records)
He has a nice shark tattoo:

Holy crap we're so hot I'm surprised we didn't burn down The Showbox!

The show was fun and we even saw Aaron outside before the show and chatted with him for a few minutes...all in all a great day!!
Sunday, April 29th was a day of rest.
Monday, April 30th I officially turned 25!! Traditionally this day, the actual day of my birth, is reserved for my family...we each get to pick where/what we want for dinner. We ended up going to P.F. Changs because I had never been there and let's face it, Chinese food is the shiznit.
I had this really amazing Key Lime martini that was rimmed in graham cracker!

After an amazing dinner me and my parents came back to their house where I had cake and presents!(my sister was not able to attend due to a recent move to Texas :( she was missed a LOT!)
My birthday table set up...

My yummmmmmmmy strawberry cheesecake!

BEST. PRESENT. EVER. I had thought this day would never come!

in addition to that my parents had paid off a large portion of one of the school loans I had. My life does not suck.
Tuesday, May 1st during the day I had to work. Gross. But that night I got to attend an MxPx show at El Corazon(aka Graceland RIP)!
Since I was Cindis mode of transportation, and Cindi had to be at the venue early in order to do street team like activities I arrived at the venue early to help her and Jen be official merch guards:
I'd like to see you TRY and steal a box from me!

Cindi is really good at "taping" stuff(by taping I mean posing for a picture w/ a deadly tape like weapon in her hand)

It was during this show that we women discovered the amaziness that is, Hawk Nelson, who happened to be one of the openers for MxPx.
This pretty much speaks for itself:

Oh, and we saw MxPx too, who put on an awesome show, as usual...I heard Do Your Feet Hurt? live for the first time!

I'm so glad my girls were able to attend the show with me! I love you all!!

The very next day, Wednesday, May 2nd me and Cindi took the 3 hour trek to Portland to attend yet another MxPx show.
Cindi wore this headset the whole time and sang into it pretending she was Hilary Duff, Vanilla Ice, Tiffany, and all members of the boy band O-Town.

I was REALLY tired from the night before and fell asleep while driving! oops!

On our drive to Portland we probably encountered every type of weather/natural disaster you could even imagine...and probably some that didn't exist until that day.
On the way to the show we saw a double rainbow!(can anyone else hear Justin Timberlake singing "bring it on in to burgervilllllllle-ah"?)

At the show I'm pretty sure I took a picture w/ every smoking hot dude that was there.
Previously pictured shirtless Hawk Nelson lead singer dude:<3

Mx merch dude (aka Michael Moses!):<3

Lead singer/bass player of some band...:<3

Guitar player of some band...:<3

Drummer of some band...:<3

Again, the show was amazing and concluded w/ Cindi giving her phone number to some smelly homeless man. HOT.
Thursday, May 3rd was a day of travel. Me and Cindi left Jens in Portland and after accidentally taking 12 exits off the freeway got OUT of Portland and made it home!
Friday, May 4th I worked. Sick.
On Saturday, May 5th, the last day of my week long birthday celebration, I had the opportunity to attend a New Years Day show at El Corazon!!! New Years Day is right after MxPx...and maybe Damone, in my book so this is a VERY huge thing to me! Ashley was supposed to go with me but sadly was not able to kick her meth habit in time before the show so she was "sick" (I wish you could have been there!). Fortunately I was able to find a last minute replacement who happened to be Cindiro!!
There was only maybe 50 people total in the WHOLE venue so it was nice to go to a show and not have to fight for a good spot in order to see.
The opening act before New Years Day was called Peachcake and they put on, what I could only describe as the most BIZARRE concert experience of my life...I'll let the pictures speak for themselves(please excuse the crappy quality my camera sucks hard at taking show pictures).

And then there was this guy...who was doing inappropriate things w/ an inflateable dinosaur:

Finally New Years Day came on!! and it was really really good!! They did a bunch of songs from their EP as well as some new songs from their full length album that will be released May 8th(so go buy it!!!)

Ashlee, the lead singer, was wearing some really cute tights that had skeleton bones on them!

Me and Cindi are like, way gangsta

After the New Years Day show, while we were waiting for them come to the merch table so we could say hi, the venue started playing MxPxs Panic album! So of course we danced and sang along to that like el dorkos.
Finally Ashlee came to the table and we were able to talk to her for a couple of minutes and take pictures!She's so adorable and nice

The show was a really early one (we left the venue around 7 PM) so we went back to my house and enganged in some activities that may or may not have included playing CLo, driving to Arbys right as they closed at 1 AM so going to the slowest McDonalds that has ever existed in the history of McDonalds instead, and passing out at approximately 3AM.
Thank you SO SO much to everyone who contributed to my birthday week! I had so much fun I'm such a lucky girl to have so many amazing people in my life! I love you all!!
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