's HERE!! my recipe box arrived last week and it's WAY cuter than i could have ever imagined. it's also oh,so perfectly me.
the top:

perfectly me,right???
i've already torn up one issue of rachael ray magazine and added it to my recipe collection. i found that, so i don't have to write down every single recipe, i just cut out the ingredients and glue them on one side of the card, then cut out the instructions and glue them to the other side. voila! instant recipe!
my box didn't come with any actual cards, so i went to hallmark and purchased some for pretty cheap. i decided that instead of using the same style card for the whole box (boooooring!) i am going to just buy random ones that i like,that way multiple aspects of my personality shine through! i also intend to buy recipe covers(yes,this is an actual thing that exists)in order to keep my cards clean.
2 sets of recipe cards that i've purchased (you can't see it,but the brown ones say things like italian,mexican,indian,american,etc on the bottom...all the different styles of food!), as well as the index cards that came with the box.

another part of my personality that shines through-my ocd side. this side doesn't come out TOO often, but when it does it's in full force. each recipe card that is placed in my box is color coded. that's right. color. coded. after i write/glue a recipe down i assign it to a specific category by tracing the name of the recipe in a specific color. breakfast is yellow,lunch is red,dinner is blue, dessert is purple, ect. i'm sure i will find this useful in the future once i start actually making these recipes, that way i'm not always trying to remember if i put my recipe for "honey peach shake" under dessert or misc.(for those of you dying to know,i placed it under misc.because it is more of a drink than a food. see? ocd.) the color coding system has actually ALREADY come in handy for me when i so gracefully, as i do, dropped my box on my bedroom floor and watched all 25ish recipe cards that i've made so far come flying out.
ok,i think that's enough nerd for one post...gotta save some up for future postings ;)
if you have any recipes you would like to contribute to my box PLEASE email it/them to me!!! (i'm talking specifically to you,samantha,grandmothers, and aunts!)i promise i'll give you proper credit on the recipe card :)
What about Uncles?
any and all recipes will be welcome :)
Oh man Andi,
I am the same way. I dont have a cute little recipe box, but I have created a 3 ring binder that is just as OCD. I have dividers for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, breads, desserts, and salads. Every time I have a recipe, it gets hole punched and put in the binder. And to make it worse, my friends all make fun of my dinner lists. I do my grociery shopping my making a menu of dinners I want to make in the next couple of weekw and keep a list of the dinners on the fridge. When we eat the meal, I cross it off the list. Dinners are disgustingly organized.
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