Friday, June 10, 2005
summer summer summerTIME
Current mood: busy
Ok, so this is my first official blog entry EVER! Yea me. I've always been afraid to do a blog, just because I don't know who's reading it, and I know I would never completely be sorry if this is incredibly boring but hey, it's not like I'm making you read it.
So today I moved back to P-Town after another uneventful year at Central. Each year seems to stretch longer and longer and my goal of graduating seems to get further and further seems almost unattainable by now. I feel so old!! By the time I (hopefully) graduate I'll be 25? Do you know how many people that age have already had careers for three or four years? Who have families and own their own homes? Sometimes I feel like a loser, still living at home during the summer and Christmas break. Even though I know going to school two hours away is a legit excuse to not have my own apt or anything, I still feel really behind from the rest of my peers.
Anyways, I start back at Target tomorrow...year 5....yea....I'm excited, all my best friends work there or shop there a LOT so it's always a good time. My routine this summer is going to consist of tanning, working out, and working...and hopefully not spending too much of my money, which I always tend to do...
Well, I think that's enough info for my very first blog entry. I gotta go finish unpacking. Talk to you all later!! Andi :o)
i'm a very nostalgic person. i love nostalgia and things that remind me of (good) parts of my past. this is probably the main reason i have been one of the five people who haven't deleted their myspace account. i love going back and reading old entries and remembering the "old days". it's also been very interesting because a lot of my old entries are kind of dark. 24-26 were shitty(really,for lack of a better word) years in my life and that was definitely reflected in my writing. one amazing thing about that,though, is how back then i thought that was how life in general was and that was how my life was gonna be but it's absolutely not and i've made sure that i've turned it around and that makes me so happy for/proud of myself for accomplishing that.(total run-on sentence,but lacking the brain power/will to un-run it right now)
anyway, i had a question for myself: how can i delete my myspace account,but still keep my old blog entries? then, i had an epiphany. um,post them HERE, of course. duh. so i am going to be doing that for the next few days,posting old blog entries from myspace here, on blogger. i don't expect you to read them at all. after going back and re-reading them i'm noticing they're pretty terrible,actually. this is strictly for me and memories i want to make SURE i don't forget. there's really only about 5 or 6(i'm guessing) entries that i want to keep. if you are interested at all in what i used to do 3-4 years ago then i suppose you may like reading my old posts.
for my first entry(not including the one above) i am going to re-post my trip to oklahoma for my grandparents 50th anniversary. this is in honor of them, since they are not able to make it to seattle this next week...enjoy?(in order to differentiate my old posts from my new ones,the old ones will be in italics)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
Current mood: cheerful most of you know i went to Texas/Oklahoma for a week for Thanksgiving is a fun/picture filled recap of how my trip went...
My trip was SUPPOSED to start at 5:30 AM on Monday morning..but i got sick and actually had to cancel my flight. Luckily after a few hours i was feeling better and was able to take a red eye flight at midnight.
I got to DFW Airport at 5:30 AM (that's 3:30 LC time)
this is what my plane looked like on the runway...but picture it in the dark:

so i go to sleep and wake up around 1 PM...right when i wake up my contact pops out of my eye and guess who forgot to bring extra contacts and her glasses for the first time EVER?? oh yeah, me. i'm awesome. so then i go to check for missed calls on my phone and it had completely DIED. For no reason, just up and died on me. RIP my phone. and on top of THAT i pulled a muscle in my shoulder sometime during the night so that was hurting. All that, and I had been awake for five minutes. I was hoping this wasn't a premenition(sp?) on how the rest of my trip would be.
this is my phone RIP:

That day my mom decides she wants to take me shopping and i don't have a problem w/ that so i let her...and i buy a new phone.
Wednesday we leave for Oklahoma/my grandparents house where I discover it's Birthday Day!! Apparently our family had a plethera of November birthdays so we celebrated them all and ate cake. Yum Yum!
here's me and my cousin Meg who was a participant in Birthday Day(that hoodie seems to be in every pic i take...i swear i only wear it like once a week):

Thursday was Thanksgiving!(duh)
My Uncle Greg has magical bread levitating skills:

part of our Thanksgiving took up two tables! and was so so yummy!...except for stuffing...gross...

this is my cousin Kyle...he's pretty gangsta...he got it from me for i am pretty gangsta myself:

Friday was 50th Anniversary Day!! My grandparents have been married 50 years!! pretty amazing:
early in the day me and my cousin Shayna swung on the swings at my grandparents church...we're pretty pro at it, as you can see:

i got to dance w/ my grandpa!! i love him so hard!

this was a thing on the wall and it looks like Where In the World is Carman San Diego....right??

the cool Happy 50th Anniversary table set up...if you look hard I'm in three of the top left pictures:

Saturday was Christmas!!!
Per my grandmothers request our whole entire family (all 16 of us) attended Mass. It was pretty ok. There was a group of people there playing unrecognizable Christmas songs with bells.
this was the most amazing Christmas dinner feast EVER...Charlies Chicken!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good...if you're ever in the dirrty south i highly recommend it!

and then we played Scattagories and i still think that Doctor should be counted as something that starts w/ a D that "jumps/bounces":

Sunday, sadly, was time to say good bye to everyone and go home. Me and my mom had a five hour drive ahead of us back to Texass.
we drove through Checotah, OK...well, i'll let you read the sign

this has nothing to do w/ my trip home but my cousin Shayna is so freaking adorable and was my shadow the whole time we were in Oklahoma:

Monday it was time to go back home to Seattle!!!
we stopped at Sonic where i ate a Frito Pie wrap thingy and some that stuff is sooooooooooo good...we need one up where i live...or not...cause i would eat there like every day:

i'd never seen a chapel in an airport before...this is in DFW:

this is what my plane looked like leaving the airport:

so i finally arrive home sweet home at about 8:30 parents were gonna pick me up after the Seahawks game. There was only 8 minutes left in the game when we landed so i figured i wouldn't have to wait long...WRONG. I had to wait two HOURS cause traffic was so bad because while i was frolicking in the leaves w/ my flip flops on in Oklahoma it had started to snow up here in the PNW, and apparently no one knows how to drive when it does more than sprinkle.
My parents finally get to the airport about 11ish...and we start the trek home...only to find EVERY southbound freeway/highway was JAMMED. Long story short what should have been a rad 40 minute drive home ended up being a 5.5 hour crawl. We walked in the front door at 4:30 AM.
this is where we had to stop and take a break from sitting in traffic:

this is a sign that should have taken us 20 minutes to see but instead took 4 hours...and we were going slow enough that i could take a picture of it:

All in all my trip was FANtastic and i did NOT want to come home...i definately needed the break from work/life and can't wait until my next vacation adventure!! hmmm i wonder where i should go next...
up 25th birthday!! stay tuned...
(p.s. like my new layout? preeetty,right?)
1 comment:
that's really funny that you wrote this...I was just thinking I need to delete my MySpace..but I wanted to save all my blogs and was thinking about moving them over to blogspot.
they are fun to go back and read!
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